Cement Energy and Environment

At the conclusion of the seminar, there was a panel discussion to decide on the course of action after the seminar. It was suggested that energy saving measures have to be adopted even in minor areas of plant operation. There was under-utilisation of kilns, and a higher capacity of preheaters at the time of original installation would help in future modernisation and capacity upgradation through adoption of newer technologies. There was general ag reement on the need for benchmarking on energy consumption. To this end, performance data of plants needed to be compiled , according to Shri Kunjithapatham. It was also stressed that the best achievable levels of energy consumption should be sustained on long term basis. Plants should report reliable data for benchmarking purpose. Plant managements should be supportive of their staff's efforts in achieveing the results. without expecting them to achieve the impossible. There was need for a philosophy of openness and also for discussions and greater interaction among all levels including labour. The market has to be made more profit driven instead of being volume driven as at present. Benchmarking should also keep in view the level of technology which may differ from one production line to another w ithin the same plant. FORTHCOMING EVENTS + 2 - I 9 May 2000 The "Holderbank" Cement Seminar Holderbank, Switzerland Mr Frederic Aubert, "Holderbank" Management and Consulting Ltd. Corporate Human Resources and Training CH - 51 13 Holderbank, Switzerland Tel : +4 1-62-887-6238 Fax : +41-62-887-6333 + 7 - 12 May 2000 IEEE-PCA Conference Salt Lake City, USA Contact : Elisabeth Hanks Tel : + I 80 1 537 7039 Email : elisjh@eni.com + I 0 - I I May 2000 lntercem 2000 Paris, France Contact : Malcolm Shelbourne Tel: +44 181 669 5222 Fax: +44 181 669 9926 + 5 - 9 June 2000 17th AFCM Technical Symposium Bali , Indonesia Symposium Secretariat, Indonesia Cement Association Graha lrama, I I th Floor, )alan HR Rasuna Said Block X-I Kav. 1-2, jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel : 62 21 5261 105, 5261106 Fax: 62 21 526 1107, 528 1108 Email : lndcemas@indosat.net.id 22 + 18- 21 June 2000 Coaltrans Asia - Bali Indonesia Coaltrans Conference Ltd. Nestor House, Playhouse Yard London EC4V SEX, UK Tel : + 44 (0) 207 779 8945 Fax : + 44(0) 207 779 8946 Email : Coaltrans@euromoneyplc.com + 23 - 25 October 2000 Coaltrans 2000-20th Anniversary Event. Madrid Coaltrans Conference Ltd Nestor House, Playhouse Yard London EC4V SEX, UK Tel : + 44 (0) 207 779 8945 Fax : + 44 (0) 207 779 8946 Email : Coaltrans@euromoneyplc.com + 2 I - 24 November 2000 Seventh NCB International Seminar on Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi Organising Secretary National Council for Cement and Building Materials P-21 South Extn. II New Delhi- 110 049 Tel : 91 11 625 9133, 91 11 625 1371 Fax : 9111 625 8868. 91 12 9524 2 100 Email: nccbm@giasd IOI . VSNL.NET.IN ,.. •