Cement Energy and Environment

Economics of Modification in Cement Mill Circuit Approximate cost of ducting Rs. 12,000/- {500 x 5 x 5000 mm) Labour cost Rs. 1,210/- Total Rs. 13,210/- Power consumption @ 497600 units 160 kWh for two motors to run 3110 hours required for producing 7 lakh tonnes of cement per year Net saving per year @ Rs.4.41 /unit Rs. 21,94,416/- Conclusion The energy conservation measures implemented by the plant over the past six years have resulted in a continuous decline in energy consumption as depicted in Fig.4. However, energy conservation and environmental improvement being cont inuous processes, the plant is pressing on with its missions in these direction. 1995·96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 Fig, .J Decliuiug freud ill power cous11mptirm ACTION POINTS ON ENERGY CONSERVATION FROM RAIPUR SEMINAR T he Second Seminar on Energy Conservation, held at Raipur (reported in the last issue of Cement, Energy and Environment), came up with a whole series of action points for the member plants of Madhya Pradesh Chamber of Cement Manufacturers {MPCCM). The points are enumerated below for the benefit of the industry as a whole: ,... Encourage and promote, as far as possible indigenously developed products as replacement for costly imported aids, such as Enercon System for energy monitoring, conservation and management. Creation of an Energy Manager's post at plant level is worth considering for effective control of the energy bill through continuous measurement of the plant's energy consumption pattern and suggesting measures for energy conservation on day-to-day basis. Examine the techno-economic feasib il ity of adopting Kalina Cycle Technique based on heat and mass balances of individual plants. Benchmarking of energy consumption in Indian cement industry and improvement in energy 18 efficiency by adopting the best practices followed by energy efficient plants. Organise a technical visit to Madras Cements, jayantipuram plant for accessing their hard data on energy consumption. This will help in understanding the plant's energy management practices which have enabled it to achieve the lowest ever specific power consumption for a cement plant in the country. ,... Installation of separate transformer for lighting; this can help in regulating the lighting voltage and eventually save electrical energy. Adoption of Dense phase technology for conveying of coal to kiln and precalciner. Use cross belt analyser based on nuclear technique for tracking the chemical composition of crushed limestone received in the plant for ensu ring homogenous and desired quality of limestone so as to eventually obtain a consistent raw mix. This will make for smooth kiln operation and reduction in fuel consumption. Install multi-channel low primary-air burner and CFG/IKN/Pyrojet cooler. -{