Cement Energy and Environment

improvements in pollution control are insufficient. We need to do a lot more, but industries are reluctant to do so. Today, the imperative of environmental protection is no more challenged. Even the most polluting of industrial sectors will sing paeans to protecting the environment. But the practice beyond a certain point is poor. And the reason is not technical or financial, but philosophical. Somehow, our businesses and policy makers still consider environment protection as an antithesis of economic growth and development. The argument is that we will take care of the environment more, once we are a developed country. But this is a false and now in argument. In an era of climate change, we do not have the luxury to pollute now and clean up later. We are already experiencing the impacts of climate change and these are going to exacerbate further. Environment protection and economic growth, therefore, must go hand in hand. We must grow in a low carbon and non-polluting way and push developed countries to clean their act as well. This is the only way in which we can save ourselves from the worst impacts of climate change. Secondly, hundreds of millions of Indians live within a biomass-based economy; the environment -land, water, forests, air -is their only asset. A degraded environment means increased destitution and poverty. So, if we want to become a developed country, we will have to bring these hundreds of millions out of poverty. The quickest way is building a viable local economy dependent on natural resources. So, environment protection is India is essential for economic growth. It is not a fad for rich ; it is actually a livelihood for the poor. The author is deputy director general, Centre for Science and Environment. Courtesy: The Economic Times, 15.06.2016, from internet TARGETING ENVJ~ONMSNTAL NOD fO PROJI:CTS IN 100 DAYS: JAVAO~KAR The time period for environmental clearances for projects has been brought down from 600 to 190 days and will be further reduced to 100 days to provide ease of doing 'responsible' business, Union minister Prakash Javadekar said today. The minister of state for environment, forests and climate change said his ministry is also implementing rules for management of e-waste, construction and demolition waste, solid, plastic and hazardous waste. 'We are committed to provide ease of doing 'responsible' business. Earlier, the average time for providing environmental approval was 600 days. We reduced it to 190 days by making the process transparent, decentralising decision and making everyone involved. And we are committed to bringing it down to 100 days," Javadekar said. He was addressing a Confederation of Indian Industry (CII ) session on 'Balancing Economic Growth and Sustainable Development' here. "We also brought in sustainable sand mining development. We can't allow rivers to die and we also cannot have all restrictions. So, we have decided to give satellite mapping of sand in rivers which will tell how much and where can sand be mined," he said. The government has also mandated a 24-hour real time monitoring of pollution by various industries. "There are 2,800 polluting industries which are under 17 critically polluting categories. The earlier method of physical sampling and lab testing was inadequate. With online monitoring the situation has completely changed and monitoring can be done continuously. "I get alerts on my mobile when any industry violates the rules or does not comply. So, the industries now are taking steps to install new equipment to meet environmental norms," he said. The government is also reviewing the 2011 Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification to allow sustainable development along coast line. "I went to Andaman and there are about 572 beautiful islands. They are 90 per cent forest and rest are under CRZ so we cannot do anything. We will revise CRZ to allow sustainable development," he said, adding, "An inter-ministerial group is working on island development." Courtesy: The Times of India, 05. 04.2016, from internet 73