Cement Energy and Environment

The problem is crucial because the abundance of renewable is not uniform and a few states have more renewable energy sources th8Jn the rest. Hence, the states need to plan properly and then we can transmit it to the national network. Only then can Power Grid and others take over. At that level, the problem will be much minimum. You are reducing the size of the transformers so you can install them in a smaller location, for as of now in solar to require large tracts of land for installation grid based ones... If you are in CSQ or PV technology then , yes. Are there any technologies which can reduce land use for the same? Unfortunately, solar would require a lot of land, so barren land is the only solution. Ot1erwise you go for roof top, which is more on a domestic level. Laws of physics are unfortunately the same. Courtesy: Solar Today, March 2016 from internet Environment HOW SERIOUSLY DO COMPANIES TAKE GOING GREEN? CHANDRA BHUSHAN OF CSE, ON h'OW ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION IS NOT AN INDULGENCE OR A FAD OF THE WEAL THY Indian business houses have a major responsibility to behave responsibly and to ensure that their exploitation of the environment does not lead to reduced well-being for people. This means that the use of resources that industry makes should be highly efficient so that unnecessary exploitation does not take place; pollution is minimized to the maximum extent possible; affected people, if indeed an adverse impact is inevitable, are properly compem:.ated; and consumers of both raw materials and manufactured products pay a price that includes the costs of ecological restoration". These e·nvironmental benchmarks were enunciated by noted environmentalist late Anil Agarwal more than two decades ago. The big question is, in 2015, how does the Indian industry measure up? From all available information , it is clear that environmental degradation today is a runaway problem impinging on public health and exacerbating poverty. Pollution in our rivers is worse than it was three decades ago. We are depleting and polluting our groundwater at a much faster pace than before. The garbage in cities is growing by the day, even as governments scramble to find ways of hiding the waste in landfills in far off places . Air pollution in cities is one of the worst in the world and toxins are taking a toll on our health. So, has Indian industry done nothing in the past two decades to minimise pollution and improve the efficiency of resource use? Well, it has. The installation of pollution control devices has become a norm. Even the smallest of the businesses install some sort of pollution control systems , though they might not operate these regularly. Resource use efficiency has also increased significantly. In 1990s it used to take 200 tonnes of water to produce a tonne of paper; today the paper industry uses just 50 tonnes. Similarly, energy use by the cement industry is among the lowest in in the world. The drivers for these changes are economics. As our water scarcity is intensifying and the cost of water increases, industries become more water efficient. Industries in many parts of India today treat sewage and use it as process water. The same economic pressure is improving energy and raw material efficiency. However, in the absence of economic pressures, industries remain highly irresponsible with resource use and pollution control. Exploitation of groundwater by the bottled water and soft drink industry is a classic case. But if industries are installing pollution control equipment and resource efficiency has also increased, why is our environment getting degraded? The answer is scale. The scale of resource use has outpaced improvements in resource efficiency and pollution control. Take the case of the thermal power sector. Over the past 25 years , the insta lled capacity of this sector has increased five-folds but the particulate matter (PM) emissions per unit of electricity produced have only halved. As a result, PM emission from the thermal power sector has increased at least two-three times. In nutshell, our current rate of resource use improvements and 72 " I