Cement Energy and Environment

Managing committee members had an opportunity to apprise the Hon' ble Minister for EF & CC on the impact of meeting the standards. Given the abnormally High expectations in line with today' s Climate Diktat, your journal definitely needs to keep pace with the emerging needs of our Members for new information under such challenges. With th is in mind, we have been publishing thematic issues in the journal with contribution of related articles, plant/company achievements etc from your executives. This issue of "CEMENT, ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT" focusses on AFR Applications in the Cement Industry. As you know, Co-Processing in Cement Kilns is a scientific, proven and established technology for disposing of hazardous and other non-recyclable waste in an environmental ly sustainable way. Due to the inherent advantages in combustion of waste leaving no residue, cement kiln stands apart among the different methods of waste disposal like incineration, waste to energy and land filling. The Basel Convention has also recognised this fact. Despite concerted efforts being made by the Indian Cement Industry for long, AFR usage in Thermal Substitution Rate forth e Cement plants continues to remain at less than 1 % now. CMA identified the Regulatory, Finance, and t Technical barriers to enhancing the AFR usage, of which the Regulatory and Finance barriers are crucial. We are glad that a few amongst our Member Cement Companies including NCB have contributed insightful articles on the Theme of this issue and shared their experiences in AFR application in Cement plants. We hope you find the issue interesting! ~ (N A Viswanathan) Secretary General