Cement Energy and Environment

Typical analysis of Organic solvent • S.NO Parameters UOM Liquid waste ·PROXIMATE ANALYSIS .. Moisture content % 0.81 2 Ash content % 1.43 3 Volatile matter % 95.68 Fixed carbon % 2.08 ULTIMATE ANALYSIS Carbon % 43.94 2 Hydrogne % 7.31 3 Nitrogen % 5.59 4 Sulphur % <0.1 5 Mineral Matter % 1.44 6 Oxygen % 41.62 7 GCV Kcai/Mol 5855 8 Chloride as Cl % 0.02 Trial run conducted as per CPCB guidelines through M/s.Vimta Labs Limited., Hyderabad. And are meeting to environmental standards of CPCB. Summary of Average values of emissions during trail run S. No Parameter Uom Pre Trial Trial with waste Post-Trial Flue gas Temperature DegC 119.3 118.8 116.5 2 Velocity m/sec 11.3 11.7 11.6 3 Volumetric flow rate Nm3/sec 81.2 84.6 84.5 4 P.M mgfNm3 28.1 26.3 28 ... 5 Sulphur dioxide mg/Nm3 <3.4 <3.4 <3.4 6 Oxides of Nitrogen(Nox) mg/Nm3 873.4 885.3 7 Hydrocarbons mg/Nm3 6 5.6 6 8 Carbon Monoxide mg/Nm3 52.7 49.5 55.2 9 Carbon Dioxide as C02 mg/Nm3 9 8.5 8.8 10 Hydrogen Chloride(HCL) mg/Nm3 15.5 15 15 ~1 11 Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) mg/Nm3 2 1.6 1.9 12 TOG . mg/Nm3 6.3 5.7 6.2 13 PAH ~g/Nm3 2.8 2.4 2.7 14. voc ~g/Nm3 6 5.6 6 15 Cyanide ~g/Nm3 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 16 Mercury' ~g/Nm3 v1.4 1.1 "" 1.3 17 Cadmium+Thallium mg/Nm3 0.015 0.013 0.014 18 Total Metals mg/Nm3 0.242 0.231 0.238 19 Total Dioxins and Furans mg/Nm3 0.0126 0.0111 0.0122 1.10 Targets The system is operated in such a way that the quality of end product does not get affected and also occupational health & safety of the employees and all interested parties are ensured . For 2016-17 year we have targeted 1300 M.T of liquid waste per month. 23