Cement Energy and Environment

~--T•h•e•r~m•a•IS•u•b•s~tu•t•lo•n•R•a~t~e·· ·%--~~ ~~ ----~T~o-ns.-of•C•0•2_.R•e•du•c•t•io•n_.._~ 2011-12 2012·13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 1.5 Utilization of Dry Fly Ash (High CV) Stake Holder Feedback of DFA (HCV) "A wonderful experience of a nice stay and lively hospitality of all the officers and staff. It is worth pra1smg the plant management for their excellent and sincere efforts in maintaining the best of best environment in and around plant premises. I never thought that raw material could be used as fuel" Dr. A B Harpanahalli, Advisor, MOEF, Bangalore 1.6 Co-Processing of Tannery Waste Tannery sludge disposal Problems • Lack of awareness between generator and end user. • Lack of awareness to handle tannery sludge with safety and hygiene • Limited Scope for usage • Incurring of high cost due to long distance between generation site and landfill site that too for non-beneficial use Uust for disposal). Tangible benefit • Conserving the lime stone - Nonrenewable Resources Non Tangible benefit • Disposal of Tannery sludge in Eco friendly manner 2011 -12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 • To reduce the burden on the only available precious land fill at Goomidipundi to extent its life to accommodate some other toxic waste To prevent pollution of soil surface and ground water resources due to leaching from onsite storage Tannery Sludge Co-Processing Tannery ETP sludge co-processing trail run permission sorted from TNPCB as many tanneries were located around Tamil Nadu. Memorandum of understanding signed with generators nearby Erode for carrying out for the trail. Trail run carried out in presence of CPCB & TNPCB officials and monitoring was done through M/s CVR labs and the regular permission is awaited. 7