Cement Energy and Environment

economical points of view. Tools to be applied for this approach are material and energy flux analyses and eco-balances Responsible for the Permitting, Control and Enforcement Procedures of Co-proct~ssing • Formulation of waste management policies • Formulation and interpretation of waste statistics • Authorization and Controlling of co-processing • Assessment of new materials for co– processing and waste source qualification • Monitoring of operation and transportation (methodologies of emission analysis and evaluation of analytical data) • Management of occupational health and safety of the workers within the cement plant and during transportation • Enforcement of the national regulations and permissions • Systematic communication with stakeholders and the public. Cement industry staff from various departments (production, quality, AFR, legal, OH&S etc.) training given in: • Control of wastes and AFR • Operation of facilities for pre-processing and co-processing according to internal regulations • Occupational Health and safety • Standard operating procedures and Management of change are exercised for AFR usage • Internal monitoring of environmental (emission) aspects • Periodic re-certification for employees subcontractors. 1.4 Utilization of Alternate fuels and Raw materials Advantages of Using waste: and • Alternative fuel and raw materials has the potential to reduce emissions to the Environment relative to the use of conventional fossil fuels. • In terms of waste management, cement kilns offers a safe alternative to Conventional disposal of waste in dedicated waste incinerators or in landfills. • Reduces environmental burdens and also the need for dedicated treatment • C02 generated in a cement kiln from waste burning is less compared to that generated from dedicated waste incinerators. • Cement kiln option has also demonstrated a significant overall improvement in environmental performance. Alternative Fuels Used at DCBL Ariyalur Unit (in MT) HCV 800.00 3,934.00 2,457.67 0.52 Dolachar 418.00 2,732.21 4,402.43 105.00 Charcoal 3,638.00 4,334.82 3,612.09 1,654.03 Rice husk 14.00 6.15 Cashew Nut Shells 11.00 19.00 9.56 AFR-1 47.00 114.34 Carbon Black 508.77 1,017.32 946.98 AFR-2 91.00 377.57 Plastic Waste 36.75 345.44 100.69 Spent Wash 498.00 652.24 924.17 DFA-HCV 1,597.90 184.33 Sloid Waste Mix 149.50 3,126.32 Total Quantity 811.0 I 7,990.0 10,739.2 12;285.1 7,041 .5 6 •