Cement, Energy and Environment

by the material by its extensive use. Lack of widespread use of developed and available new technology has been major problem in putting this technology in practice. Research, development and technology transfer to the stakeholders i.e., practicing engineer's architects, planners, developers, consultants etc, who contribute in the field of construction and developmental activities at different stages and training of workers is a key to its successful application. Key Words: Ground water Depletion, Impervious Materials, Stormwater, Ground Water Recharging Facilities 1. Introduction Paving surfaces with impervious materials have become so common in urban areas today that most of us give little or no thought to the impact that they have on the gro~nd water recharging, quahty and quantity of storm Water generated, growth of Plants and trees and the overall environmental health of the town/city. A large amount of rainwater, rather than so~king int? the soil ends up falling on Impervious surfaces tha~ drain it off quickly in to Sid dra1ns caus . e . es continuous depletion of ground Water generate flash flood s·t . , 1uat1on and causes soil erosion. It I causes d . a so . re Uclng vegetation growth In highly deveJo e areas because of ab p d sence of supply of SUfficient amount f Water and air in to its root z o It leads to increase in quanti~n~f storm Water and . II Increase its Po Ution level as the . flowing rainwater across Pav surfaces Picks ement from ·1 up everything Ol and grease . chemical f . . sp111s to ertlhzers transports it to th and e nearby rivers , lakes or other water bodies leadi~g to their pollution. Ground water table _is depleting in most of the areas ~n India. A study undertaken In Tumkur district of Karnataka, India reports that between 1985 to 2001 depth of water table increased from 80 feet to 496 feet, groundwater discharge decreased from 3,500 to 800 gallons/hr. irrigation pump capacity increased from 3 to 7 · 5 HP, depth of placement of pump from the top increased from 80 tt to 230ft. All these figures indicate towards overexploitation and less recharging of groundwater. Situation in other part of the country is not much different. Further, demand of water for various uses i.e. house hold, agriculture, industrial and for almost all areas of human activities is increasing day by day. This situation warrants concerted efforts to find out means for sustainable development. Pervious concrete has emerged as a wonder material at a time when increasingly Paving of natural surfaces has become an integral part of a construction site development and landscaping. The term "pervious concrete" typically describes an open graded material consisting of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, admixtures, and water. The combination of these ingredients produce a hardened material with connected Pores that allow Water to Pass through easily. It's ability to Provide a quality structural Pavement at the same tim II . 11 e a owmg virtually t a stormwater falling on to it o dr · 't aln directly down through I to the b run ff su g~ade, eliminating fit 0 Wh1le providing 1 ration and g round water 0 ° ned the pos1t1o recharge has sustainable product . as a material. construction_ . increasingly Presently thiS OIS the Unites being used '"nstruction of States for co king Jots, f cilities like p~r roads, a service bS driveways, 0 ewalks, cur walkways, sld d secondary and gutters, _anble tor light to d s It is swta tf'c at loW roa · h 0 le tra 1 medium ve IC eds to moderate spe . tits of ntal bene 2. Environm~oncrete· I pervious . nrnenta . enwo the Some of ll~e put it in lOtion benefit which ha construe list of g reen material are: into the . of water wr in . Infiltration ng rainwa and '- soil by captun f voidS ·nto ork 0 1 te 1 a netw erco a htJS .t to p 'I I !lowing 1 . sol ge a underlying rechar the directly aquifer. ter dwater ·••8 groun storfllv• as a tool. ii . It serves ent systern of managem . load 10 0 uut1on it Reduce P bY use of iii . water 'I te storm . sol · ere perco late In to con Gl pervioUS iS eesl ments tiee pave ded pr8e h recommen 1 . 1 .tli.J 5 ManagemenpA tor firs withl~ (BMP) of ~itigation nn·'~'~8ter P ollution f stor 1rn ° the rea""ent. arbo~Jt anage•,. droe n" m hY ashP · ate iv . Elimm from 1 erS· P ollution nd se8 r~Gl~ ts a iJ e pavemen the Bus ducin9 Bee "~d . · re t r .. v . A1d m d effeC · 10 u re· heat-islan . ht in co trl.letl!ete they are IIQ en-cell seo~cr ~d have an op orb "e il a,bS ·gt pervious don't radl ert pavements nd thefl~,liro~fllrgll store heat a (1e en gS~ ir back into t pica.l ~te j11e a tY pia. 5 o unlike nees tLJre surtace ca.P ~ . Jots parkmg