Cement, Energy and Environment

• chloride concentration had been decreased. • Sharma et al. blended 35- 55% of soda solid waste with bauxite, limestone and sandstone and burned at varying temperatures for various periods. It was reported that burnability of all samples was good at 1400 ·c. But 35% of solid waste was found suitable for clinker production by considering the chloride content. • Compressive strength and other properties of the clinker and cement samples produced from soda ash waste were found to be suitable to IS:269:1989. • Kuznetsova et al. used soda ash solid waste for sulfo– ferrit clinker production. Calcium sulphate content of soda ash solid waste reduced the amount of gypsum required. As a result, using cement containing sulfo-ferrit was found to be appropriate for high quality and non– shrinking oil well cement. On the other hand it was specified that sulfo-ferrit clinker amount must not be more than 10%. Laboratory studies were confirmed by pilot studies. • Verlaeten et al. studied for using soda ash solid waste to produce hydraulic mortar or concrete by mixing with blast furnace slag, sand or fly ash , aluminium (dust) and water. A pre study was executed to investigate possibilities of using soda ash solid waste in cement industry by Turkish Cement Manufacturers' Association in 2007. According to this study: Solid soda ash waste has Tokuyama Soda (Japan-Tokyo) suitable properties to be used as a raw material for cement industry. Besides it provides energy saving as it doesn't need to be grinded due to its high specific surface area. Using 10% of solid waste directly as a cement additive is appropriate . Companies using soda waste in cement production There are some industrial companies using soda ash solid waste to produce Portland cement. Tata Chemicals JSC Soda and Tokuyama are among the firms known. Tata Chemicals (lndia-Mithapur) Tata Chemical company in India has annual production rate of 1 million tonnes, constructed a modern cement plant using un-assessed limestone, used as a raw material for soda production and waste slag containing high amounts of calcium produced from soda production in 1993. This plant is named "Shudh Cement" and has an annual production rate of 550,000 tonnes. In this plant Portland and pozzolanic cement are produced. In 2006, R&D staff of this plant announced that they were able to produce allinite cement which has similar properties to Portland cement by using soda solid waste. Especially Japan and Korea are interested in allinite cement. JSC Soda (Russia-Sterlitamak) Important projects are carried out about environmental protection and efficient usage of raw materials. Annual cement production capacity is about 1.28 million tonnes and soda solid waste is reused. Tokuyama Company has built a cement plant to utilize soda plant by-products and fly ash produced from electrical generation plant in 1938. Nowadays, this plant is used for recycling of much waste and by– product having similar content cement raw materials as limestone , clay and ganister. Also assistive energy input is provided by burning combustible waste materials. There are 3 cement kilns continuously operated in a plant located in Nanyo, Japan. Tokuyama is one of the biggest cement manufacturers of Japan with 6 million tonnes of cement production capacity. Company continues R&D studies to produce recycling of wastes. Courtesy: Cement and Concrete World, May, June 2010, Pp51-55. PERVIOUS CONCRETE: A WONDER COMPOSITE MATERIAL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT S.M. Suresh', A. K. Jain 2 , Dr. J. S. Chouhan 3 1. Director, Research & Institutional Development Bureau, A/GTE, New Delhi - 110003 India. 2. Lecturer (Selection Grade), S. V. Polytechnic College, Bhopal M.P.462-002 India. 3. Professor and Head, Civil Engg. Deptt. SATl (Engineering College) Vidisha,. M.P. 464-001 India. Abstract: Recognizing the potential of pervious concrete towards sustainable developments and considering large scale development activities going on in the country, it will be in the interest of the environmental health of the nation to harness the environmental benefits offered 63