Cement, Energy and Environment

W/m 2 at 50 m height. A wind power capacity of 683 MW was added during 2009/1 0, up to December 2009, taking the cumulative installed capacity to 10 925 MW, mainly in Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, and Rajasthan. Table-1 Wind power potential in India · ·· .States ·Potential .. . ~' •· (MW) : Andhra Pradesh 8968 Gujarat 10645 Kamataka 11531 Kerala 1171 Madhya Pradesh 1019 Maharashtra 4584 Orissa 255 Rajashthan 4858 Tamil Nadu 5530 Total 48561 Source. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 2010. Annual Report 2009·10, Government of India. Table-2 Wind power installed capacity (up to 31 December 2009) States Installed Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Kama taka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Rajashthan Tamil Nadu West Bengal Others Total capacity (MW) 122.50 1711 .80 1390.60 27.00 212.80 2004.40 855.40 4596.20 1.10 320 10925.00 Source. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 2010, Annual Report 2009-10, Government of India. Courtesy: TERI(The Energy Resources Institute) Newswire, 1-15 June 2010, P3 Biofue/ GENERAL MOTORS IN TIE UP FOR JATROPHA CULTIVATION General Motors India, along with the US Department of Energy, has tied up with Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute under the Ministry of Science and Technology to grow jatropha. Jatropha is used in the manufacture of biofuel. The company has already identified 83 acres in Gujarat for jatropha culti.tation . President and Managing Director of GM India Mr. Karl Slym said that the tie up would help develop alternative fuel for automobiles, which General Motors is seriously exploring. Courtesy: TERI(The Energy Resources Institute) Newswire, 1-15April, 2010, P14. CANADIAN CEMENT PLANT BECOMES FIRST TO CAPTURE C0 2 IN ALGAE A Canadian company called Pond Biofuels is capturing C0 2 emissions from a cement plant in algae - algae the company ultimately plans on using to make biofuel. At the St. Marys Cement plant in south-western Ontario, Pond Biofuels has become the first to successfully use carbon dioxide emitted from a major industrial source to produce high value biomass from microalgae. Pond Biofuels is capturing carbon dioxide and other emissions from a cement plant and using it to create a nutrient rich algae slime which can be dried and used as a fuel. The algae will be grown at a facility adjacent to the stacks, harvested, dried using industrial waste heat, from the cement plant and then used along with the fossil fuels that are currently used in its cement kilns. The company says they hope to demonstrate the scalability of the industrial pilot project and to show that it can be employed on virtually any industrial stack. Courtesy: TERI (The Energy Resources Institute) Newswire, 1-15 April, 2010, P24. Solar GOVT TO TAP SOLAR ENERGY To bring down the dependency on conventional fuels such as diesel the central government is planning to use solar energy for running over two lakh mobile phone towers in the country. According to the new and renewable energy minister Farooq Abdullah "There are a number of mobile towers in the country and we want to cut down the use of diesel in running them. And it will be implementated in consultation with the telecom ministry." He added that with new technologies which allows storage of solar energy collected during day time to be used in night, it was much easier to replace diesel for running the mobile towers. As per the official records there are around 2.5 lakh mobile towers in the country which run on diesel. Courtesy: the energy business, Vol. 01, July 2010, P14. AFTER BIOMASS, STATE TURNS TO SOLAR ENERGY After tapping the biomass potential of the state, the Punjab Government is now turning to solar energy for meeting its ever increasing power demands. If the agreement signed with the US based Sun Power Corporation and EBS is any indication, the state may have a chain of power generating units to add up 1000 MW to its grid. It 48 ' I