Cement, Energy and Environment

Carbon stores of Arttk ice unlocked and 2008. All the studies used standardized equipment to obtain their results. It was calculated that the contribution of temperate and tropical areas to the global annual emission was 20 and 67 per cent respectively, while the Artie region added 13 per cent. The temperate and tropical soil respiration increased two and three per cent within the last two decades which is in sync with the global rise in temperatures. That of the northern Arctic (boreal) area increased the maximum over the past two decades - seven per cent. This was surprising as temperatures in that region are relatively lower. It is, however, in agreement with the Arctic having large amounts of stored carbon under its layer of permafrost. It has also seen recurring waves of climate change. Other lines of evidence, too, suggest warming is unlocking the old stores. 'The study proves soil respiration is increasing. An interesting area of research will be to compare the data, which were actually observed in the field to results from global climate models," said Bon– Lamberty. "It is well accepted that respiration increases as temperature rises. It is very important to put the changes in context. TemperatYre - induced change in atmospheric carbon dioxide is much smaller than changes brought about by humans burnin~ fossil ft.Jejs," said Gavin Schmidt, climate scientist at the Columbia University in New York. Courtesy: Down to Earth, May 1-15,2010, P43. Ctfl, Dtvtfopm J IMef:manftm J etrt19n ,.,.. CARBON CAEDrr P Jeri R•IK 2()9/q Indication of deeper emission cuts in EU countries by 2020 led to the increase Rajesh Bhayani Mumbai, 7 July The carbon credit market has revived, with prices of carbon emission reduction certificates (CER) up nearly 20 per cent over last month. The reason: There is expectation that Europe will proceed with Its plan for a 30 per cent eut in emissions by 2020, without waiting for the global accord review In 2012. In mid·May, the european Commission released 2009 data showing that carbon emissions in the region had fallen 11 per cent over last year to 1.873 billion tonnes. This led to a drop In priees of C!Rs, also known as carbon eredlts. on the l!uropean Climate ~"change, where most trading takes place. A few days prior to the releaee of this data, C~R prices were at a 5;2-week high of 14.53, while prices of SIJCh credit~ generated and sold within Europe, Known as I=UA, or ~LJropean em1ss1on alll:~wanc;e, reaphed a 52-week hiQh of 16.73. Soth fell 30 per cent after th~ port came out. The European Union climate action commissioner said while announcing the data that apart from reduced economic activity due to recession, another reason for lower carl:>on emission was that many power plants ha~ moved from coal to gas on account of low gas prices. As for the sequel, Platts, the premier global energy data agency, said, "The carbon credit certificate prices have taken support from indications that the EU could go ahead with a deeper, 30 per cent cut in economy-wide carbon (C0 2 ) emissions from 1990 levels by 2020, even without a global post-2012 climate deal. 43