Cement, Energy and Environment

REC and Powergrid. With the equity base of Rs 190 crores, the company would be able to leverage a total investment of Rs 700-800 crores. There are few such companies in the world, he added. Minister of State for Power, Bharatsinh Solanki , was present on the occasion. The other dignitaries on the dais were Rakesh Nath, Chairman, CEA and the two additional secretaries, Anil Kumar and G.B. Pradhan. The session was also attended by heads of CPSUs and senior officials of the Ministry. Interacting with mediapersons Shinde said that compared to the last three plan periods, the capacity addition programme in the current plan is progressing well. He said that already 18235 MW has been commissioned till 21.10.2009. Courtesy: Electrical india, December 2009, P14. INDIA TOPS ENERGY– EFFICIENT CEMENT PRODUCTION New Delhi, June 3: With some of the plants operating at the lowest energy consumption levels, the Indian cement industry has become a forerunner in energy-efficient cement manufacturing in the world, according to yet to be released FE-EVI Green Business Survey 2009-1 0. The survey will be released in New Delhi on World Environment Day, June 5. The highlight of the event will be the presentation of FE-EVI Green Business Leadership Awards 2009-10. The event is being organized jointly by The Financial Express and Emergent Ventures India, a climate change & sustainable development advisory firm, in association with knowledge partner Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. Elaborating about the initiatives taken up by companies, FE-EVI Green Business Survey 2009 - 2010 quotes numerous examples. For example, ACC Cement is producing power from waste gases generated during production process. Also, the company is actively involved in wind and hydro power procurement. As far as cutting down on energy consumption is concerned, Shree Cement is reducing C0 2 emissions through energy efficiency and use of alternative low-carbon fuel and renewable energy. JK Cement, which ISO certified, is using alternative fuels and power from waste, biomass and wind. Also, the company is actively involved in em1ss1on reduction through partial substitution of fossil fuels with recyclable alternates in cement manufacturing. Similarly, Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd is taking measures related to energy efficiency, streamlining of processes, and use of alternate/new technologies. Companies are also taking other initiatives to minimize their ecological footprint. These include substitution of fossil fuels used in cement kilns by fuels derived from waste, installation of waste heat recovery system, modification of the composition of cement by using cement constituents which require less energy to produce than cement clinker. Besides, cement companies have become innovative and come up with Eco-Cement, which has a reduced environmental impact as compared to conventional cement. It sets and hardens by sequestering C0 2 from the atmosphere and is recyclable. All these initiatives are being taken by first establishing separate departments for environment protection, safety, ISO 14001 certification and disaster management. The industry is also involved in Voluntary Environmental Initiatives (VEl) such as monitoring of ambient air quality, waste water quality, safe disposal of hazardous waste such as hospital bio-medical waste, waste oil and grease, and regular monitoring of safe working practices. To of the Indian companies, Shree Cement and Grasim Cement, are also part of the Cement. Sustainability Initiative, which was launched by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development to increase the sector's contribution to sustainable development and public's understanding of that contribution. Indian industry association too are getting proactive CII – Soharabji. Goderj Business Centre has established a facility for Indian cement plants, helping them inventorize thei r direct as well as indirect GHG emissions, including em1ss1ons from processes energy, transportation and mining. Apart from measuring, initiatives like conversion .to dry process, energy efficient retrofits, use of alternative and waste fuels such as municipal solid waste, industrial waste, used tyres, rice husk and groundnut shells to replace the use of coal in cement kilns would continue to aid the industry in reducing emissions, says FE-EVI Green Business Survey 2009-10. Courtesy: The Financial Express, 04.06. 2010, PA l . 25