Cement, Energy and Environment
crea te pure, positive thoughts whi ch will automatically di splace the weak, wasteful ones. For example, instead of thinking, "I must not get angry, I mus t n o t get angry", which is nega tive conditioning, it is bette r to think, " I understand why they beh ave that way". See problems as opportunities When a problem comes, do I panic or do I see it as a challenge? Sometimes the whole world seems like a problem; sometimes I need to create problems so as to keep myself busy. A problem is oniy a problem when I call it a problem. A situation is only as difficult as I want it to be. Difficulties and disappointments are the events which lead me to maturity. After all, wisdom does not necessarily come with age; it is the gift of experience. I h ave the tendency to imag ine that my problems are grea ter and more important than anyone else's. It is infact a subtle form of ego: the feeling that my problem is worse than your problem, so you mus t give me regard. More often I am so confused clouded that I cannot see a clear way and of a given problem, with the result that fear and tension bttild up, and I become irritable and fill ed with self-pity. ln that frame of mind the smallest obstacle becomes huge. I keep running away from situations tha t I find disagreeable; and the further I run away from a problem, the more d ifficult it is to resolve. Courtesy : IEEMA ]oumal Feb. 2002, P66 Fax: +90 (0) 113733016 E-ma il: dcllli@ieema.org Web: www. iccma.org NEW ARRIVAL TECH-e-BOOK ON CEMENT CONCRETE Computer Based Solutions have brought out a CD Rom on Cement and Concrete Cons truction with Concre te Mix Design Software. The TECH– e-Book is easy to u se interactive dig ital reference w ith a powerful search facility. The mix des ign software has an easy to use single form in which the user selects parameters and fills in ingredient data. The whole process takes jus t a few minutes and accurate mix design selected for the field conditions is ready. The mix design can be saved and retrieved structurewise and projectwise. The results can also be instantly aQ.alysed for cost based on the costs and relative composition of the ingredients set. In the p rocess one sha ll not forget the fact that the design ob ta ined is to be used as trailmix in the field a t first instant and the workability and strength s tudied. TECH-e-Book also contains additional software like pump performance, estimator, unit converter, s teel reinforcement calculator and steel section reckoner. CD's could be ob tained on payment of Rs. 695+65 (towards handling and delivery charges) from: {} Computer Based Solution Pvt. Ltd., 30, Mumbai Samachar, R<Jja Bahadu1· Compund, Fort, M umbai 400 001. Courtesy: ICI journal, Apr-fun 02, P34. Email: ici3@vsnl..in Web: www.pcsadvt. com / ici Fax:91-44-4455148 •
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