Cement, Energy and Environment
SN EVENT VENUE ORGANISER DATE FOCUS AREA 41 XX Al l India Builders Chairman, BA I, Coimbatore Centre, M/s Sivaram Construction mach inery, bui lding materials and Conventio n Coimbatore. & Compan), 157. G. V. Residency. Coimbatore - 5 .h. 6 ,h & 7'h services India 641028. January, 2003 Tel : 0422 - 575584. Fax: 0422 - 597945 Emai l: bai@vsnl.com Web: www.buildersindia.com 42 Build Expo 2 003 : Exhibitio n Chairman , BAI , Coimbatore Centre, M/s Sivaram Construction machinery, building materials and of Construction Machinery Coimbatore, & Company. 157, G.V. Residency, Coimbatore - 5- 11 January, services & Materia ls india 64 1028. 2003 Tel: 0422 - 575584. Fax: 0422-597945 Emai l: hai@vsnl.com Web: www. buildersindia.com 43 i nternatio nal Semina r on Dr. J\.K. Nandi. Convener. Mineral Infomwtion and Mineral Processing Goa. Development Centre. 206. Gulmohar Apartmc:nts. Tilak 6-8 February. Techno logy (MPT-2003) India Nagar- -1-10 0 I 0. Maharashtra. 2003 Tel: 07 12-5-14317 (0) Fax: 07 12-5-1 10 17/52 1073 Email: 111~1 2003(( /sifv.com or aknandi ti sat' am.net.in 44 World Tunne lling Congress Amsterdam, WTC2003, C/o Conference Secretariat, VOR. P.O. 2002 o n Rec la iming t he The Box 411 , 2800 AK Gouda, The Netherlands. Tel: 12-1 7 April, Underg round Space Nethe rlands +3 1 (0) 182 539 233 2003 Fax : +3 1 (0) 182 537 5 10 Email : info@wtc2003.n l 45 9'" Inte rnational Symposium Turkish Cement Manufacturers' Association, • Design and specificati ons - lifecycle cost o n Concre te Roads Istanbul, P.O.B. 2 065 82 Bakanliklar-Ankara, Turkey. 2 7-30 April, • Materials for concrete pavement Turkey Tel : 0090-31 2 287 3250 2003 • Constructi on - Maintenance- Pe rformance Fax: 0090-3 12 287 9272 . Safety- Environme nt- Low noise concrete Email: info@tcma.org.tr Web: www. tcma.org.tr 46 II"' Internat io na l Congress Durban, South ICCC 2003 , Sandra Collier "Cement's contribu tion to development in the 2 1' on t he Chemi stry of Ceme nt Africa C/o Event Dynamics (Pty) Ltd. P.O. Box 98009. 11- 16 May. Century" covering both cement and concrete issues Sloane park. 2152, Johannesburg, South Africa. 2003 Tel: 27- 11 -70650 10 Fax: 27-1 1-463 7 195 Email : sandra@cventd:r :namics.co.za Web: www. iccc2003.org 47 19'" Wo rld Mining Congress The Organi sing Secretary, 19'" World Min ing '·Mining in the 2 1• century.. Qua \'adis?" and New Delhi, Congress, The Institution of Engineers ( India), 1-5 November, direction for growth o f the global mining industry India 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata - 700 020. 2003 Te l: +91(033) 22383 11 / 14 Fax: -1 9 1(033 ) 223 8345 Email : ~ieindia.org
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