Cement, Energy and Environment

SN EVENT VENUE ORGANISER DATE FOCUS AREA 32 AUCBM 12"' l nternational M arrakech, Arab Union for Cemen t and Building [VIaterials Ceme nt Con fe re nce M o rocco Fax: +963- I 1-6 12 I 73 I/6 1I 13 I8 End October 2002 33 Euro pean Cement Prague, PRo Publications Internationa l Ltd .. Confe re nce - 3'd Euro pean Czech Fax: +44 1372 743838 4-5 ovember, Confe re nce a nd Ex h ibitio n Re p ublic E-ma iI: ec2002(a)J2rOJ2Ubs.com 2002 Web: www.QrOJ2Ubs.com/ec2002 34 3'0 Wo rld Flex ib le A ntwerp, Millcnium Confere nces International Ltd . Inte rmedi ate Bulk Contai ner Be lgi um Tel: +44 (0) 1628 580 246 6-7 November, 2002 Fax: +44 (0) 1628 580 346 2002 Ema iI: FlBC2002(tilmil leniumcon ferences.com 35 Inte rna ti ona l Confe re nce o n Er. John S.Y. Tan. The Confe re nce Director, P rotectio n of Structures S ingapo re C I Prem ier Pte. Ltd., 150 Orchard Road. 14- 15 against Hazards #07-14, Orchard Plaza, Singapore- 238 841 November, Tel: 0065-733 2922. Fax: 0065-235 3530 2002 Ema il: ci12remi er@sin unet.com.sg Web: www.ciQremier.com 36 l nte rna tional Semina r o n Mr. C. L.V.R. Anj aneyulu, Secretary General, Mi ni ng, Techno logy and ew Delhi, Min ing Engineers' Association of India, o. l , Gr. 15- 16 Management for Bus iness India Floor, My Home Mount View Appartments, November. Excelle nce (MTM-2 002) Navodaya Colony, P.O. Srinaga r Colony, 2002 Hyde ra bad - 5000 73. Tel: 040 3740343. Email: meai@ hd2.dot.net . in 37 C EMENT EX P0:2003 S ixt h Wadhera Publications, General Assurance 26,27 & 28 inte rna ti o na l Exhi b iti on & 1\l umabi. Building . I 51 Floor, 232, D.N. Road. Fort, Noveember, Semi nar India Mumbai - 4 00 00 1. 2002 Te l: 022-207 J 244/20769 18 Fax: 2072102 38 2"' Inte rnatio na l T rade Fair Confederatio n of Indian Industry, 35/ 1, • Road bui ldi ng equi pment o n Construction Equipment Bangalore, Abhiramapuram, 3'd Street, Alwarpet, Chennai - 4 -7 December. . Concreting equipment & Construction India 600 0 18. India. 2002 . Construction vehicles Techno logies Tel: 9 1-44-4987648/49. Fax: 91-44--l6603 12 • Earthmoving equipment Email : j.i.maheshk umar(@ci ionl ine.org • I Ieavy construction equ ipment Web: www.c iionline.ort( • Ligh t construction equ ipment etc. 39 12SEE-2002: 12lll Organising secretary, Depa11ment of Earthquake • Future atten tion for earthquake engineering Symposium o n Earthq uake Roorkee, Engineeri ng. Indian Institute of Technology, 16-18 • Sharing latest kno\\'ledge among Engineering India Roorkee - 247 667, India. December. researchers/ pI an ners Fax: +9 1-1 332-76899/73560 2002 • Miti gating the impact of earthquakes on natural Ema il : 1 2~~~@ iit r ,_ernet.in a nd built environment 40 Third InternationaI Er. John S.Y. Tan, The Conference Director, Conference on New Si ngapore CI Premier Pte. Ltd., 150 Orchard Road, 18-20 Dime nsion In B ridges a nd #07- 14, Orchard Plaza, Singapore- 238 84 1 December, Fl yove rs Tel: 0065-733 2922. Fax: 0065-235 3530 2002 EmaiI: c i 12 rern i er(ci)sin gnet.com .s~ '---- Web: www.ci12remier.com