Cement, Energy and Environment

SN EVENT VENUE ORGANlSER DATE FOCUS AREA 24 ENVIRO Tafcon Group. C-60, Nizamuddin East, New Techno logies & equ ipment for environment INTERNATIONAL 2002- New Delhi, Del hi-ll 00 13. 12-15 protection 3rd International Trade f-air India Tel: 91- 11-4352 14 1/44/82/84 September, and Seminars o n M inerals, Fax: 91-1 1-43552 15 2002 Metals & Metallurgy E-mail: tafcon\aldel2.vsn l.net.in Web: www.tafcon.com 25 Eleventh Cemtech Inte rnational Cement Review, Cemtech Latest tec hnical and strategic development 111 Conference Athens, Conference Ltd., Old Kings Head Court, 15 High 15- 18 cement manufacture worldwide Greece Street. Dorking, England . September, Fax: Cemtech Manager- +44 1306 740660 2002 Email: info\alCemNet. co.uk Web: www.CemNet.com 26 lNDIA CHEM 2002 FLCCI Trade Fa ir Secretariat. FTCCT, Federation Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Petrochemicals New Delhi. House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi- I 1000 l. India. 18-21 and Technologies, Process p lant and India Tel: Ol l- 3738760-70 Septembcr, machinery, Control and Automation system Fax: 9 1-11-33207 14, 372 150-L 2002 Email: ficciexhibit ion@vsnl.net 27 VDZ 5"' Internat io na l Dusseldor f, Dr. M. Sch neider, Tel: +49 211 4578 204 Process Technology of Cement Manufact uring Cong ress Germa ny Fax: +49 2l l 4578 364 23-2 7 Email: kongress(ci) ,vdz-online.de September, 2002 28 GHTG-6. Sixth International GHTG-6 Secretariat, Norifumi Matsumiya, Conference on Greenhouse Gas Japan Research lnstitute of Innovation Techno logy for 30 Sept.- 4 Control Technologies the Earth, Planning and Survey Department, 9-2 October 2002 Kizugawadia, Ki zu-cho Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619- 0292, Japan Tel: +8 1 774 752 3 14 Fax: +81 774 752 3 14 Email : gh !g@rite.or. j_Q 29 The First fib Congress o n The Secretariat, fib 2002, Osaka Congress, Japan Concrete Structures Ill 2 1 51 Osaka, Prestressed Concrete Engineering Association, 13-1 9 October, Century Japan Tsukudo-cho 4-6, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-0821 . 2002 Japan . Tel: 8 1-3-3260 2521. Fax: 81-3-3235 3370 Emai l: fib2002\al jQcea.or.jQ 30 Internati onal Con ference & Outreach Cell, Winrock International Ind ia, Exhibition on Sugar Mill New Delhi, 7 Poorvi Marg, Vasnnt Yihar, 24-26 October, Cogeneration India New Delhi- I I0057. Tel: 9 1-1 1-6 142965 2002 Fax: 6 14-6004. Emai l: winrock@vsnl.com Web: www.winrockindia.org and www.renewingindia.org . 31 F ifth l nternational Dr. SUI , Tongbo-Associate Professor. China • Technology and equipment for cement making; Symposium on Cement Shanghai, Building Materials Academy, Guanzhuang, 28 Oct. - I • Blended cements and speci al cements; Concrete (5' 11 ISCC) China Chaoyang District Beijing- 100024. Nov. 2002 • Cement concrete and products; P.R. China. • Basic research and experimental techniques: Tel: +86 I0 6576 1325 Fax: +86 I0 65761714 • Circu lation and trade of bu ild ing materials EmaiI: snxcs(ci\12ubl ic3 .bta.net.cn