Cement, Energy and Environment

I SN EVENT 19 Conference & Exhibit ion on Industri a l Safety & Env ironment Management 20 National Seminar on Scientific & Safe Mining -Emerging Chal lenges 21 Interna tiona l Conference & Business Meet on Non– Foss il Fuel Generation 22 Strategies Conservation M il lennium for Energy 111 the N ew 23 Conference o n Dams and Development VENUE Mussoorie, India Bangalore, India New Delhi, India New Delhi , India New Delhi , India ORGANISER Greentech Foundation 809, Vishwadeep Tower. Distt. Centre, Janak Puri, New Delhi- 110058 Te l: 9I -ll- 5593846 Fax: 91 -11-5593846 Email: ksharan@mantraonl ine.com Web: wW\ v.greentech.org Sri Meda Venkataiah, Convener & Secretary, Mines Safety Association of Karnataka, MSPL Limited, Hospet. Tel. -t 91-8394-28402, 2850 I Fax: +9 1-8394-245 37 Ernai 1: rnedaoba@yahoo.com Energy Department. Confederation of Indian Industry, Gate No. 3 1, North Block, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi- 110003. Tel: 4367901 /4366225 Fax: 43621 36/4367844. Email : v .raghuraman@ciion !ine.org Web: WW \V.ciionline.org Team Leader-Energy Di vision, federat ion of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi - 11000 I. Fax: 91 -1 1-3320714. Ema il: power@ficci.com Web: www.ficci.com/energyconservation The Secretary General , Council of Power Utilities. A-2/ 158, Janak Puri , New Delhi- II 0058. Tel : 91- 11-56 18472. Fax : 91-1 1-56 1 1622 Email: ~ @vsnl.com Web. www.indida-power.org DATE 26-28 June, 2002 FOCUS AREA Debate and deve lop s ustainable ac tion plan and profess iona I development • Status of scientific mining scenario and its 2-3 July, 2002 fut ure prospects 5-7 July, 2002 23-24 August, 2002 11-1 2 September, 2002 • Status of safety 1n minin g and future scenario • Mining legis lat io n Evolution ol' a road map/ac tio n p lan for energy efliciency both at the centre and state level. Deve lopment of energy efficiency standards and norms for industrial products, eq uipme nt and processes as well as e ne rgy conservation codes for bui ldings Faci Iitati ng energy conservati on through innovative financing as a lso promoti on of ESCOs • Promotion of research & development and transfe r of technol og ies as wel l as creating fac ili t ies and mechanisms for techno logy verification and undertaking technology demonstration projects etc. • Development of sectoral s trategies to conserve energy in e ne rgy intensive sectors like cement. • Sharing of international expcnence 111 e nergy conservation