Cement, Energy and Environment

SN EVENT VENUE ORGANISER DATE FOCUS AREA 10 N & s American Cement PRo Publications International Ltd ., Conference Miami, Fax: +44 1372 743838 12-15 May, us E-maiI: ec2002\alQrOQubs.com 2002 Web: \¥WW.QrOQubs.com/ec2002 11 Sustainabl e Development in the Chatham House, IOst James's Square London , New Round London. SWIY 4LE, UK. 13- 14 May, UK Fax: +44 20 7957 57 10 2002 Web: www.riia.org t2 A rab-African Conference Arab Un ion for Cement and Building Materials and Exh ib ition for Dakar, (AUCBM), P .O. Box 9015, Damascus, Syria. 28 May- 01 Construction a nd Building Senegal Fax:+963612173116ll3 18 June, 2002 Products Email: aucbm@net.sy Web: www.aucbm.org 13 Seminar on R&M Uprating The Secretary General, Council of Power Utilities, and Modernization of Power New Delhi A-21158, Janak Puri, New Delhi- II 0058. June,2002 Units India Tel: 91-11-5618472. Fax: 91- ll - 561 1622 Email : cvj@vsnl.com Web: www.indida-Qower.org 14 Bus inesscem Moscow, Mrs Irina Yalioukova, Fax: 7 (095) 977 49687 Russia Email: valev~businesscem.msk. ru 3-5 June, 2002 15 4'" World Congress on Wo rld Environment Foundation, 1 • Sustainable development through good Environme nt Management Palampur, HP, Northumberland Avenue, Trafalgar Square, 7-9 June, 2002 governance & & Intemational Mountain India London WC 2N5BW • Sustainable solutions for mountain eco- Convention Tel: 44 207 724 80011207 872 5784 systems Fax: 44 207 723 6072 Emai l: wef.wem@virgin.net Web: www .wef.org.uk 16 First [nternational Angela Mondair, BRE, Garston, Watford WD 25 Conference on Thaumasite Watford, 9XX, UK. Tel: 0044-1923 664775 19-21 June, in Cementitious Materials UK Fax: 0044- 1923 GG4790 2002 Emai l: mondai ra( {4bre.co.uk Web: www.bre.co.uk 17 National Seminar on Recent Mr. K.N. Chnadrasekharan, Organizing Secretary, Cha llenges 111 C ivil Hyderabad, RCCE 2002, 810 Road No.2, Castle Hills, Masab- 2l-22June, Engineering India tank, Hyderabad - 500 057 2002 Tel: 040-353 5241 Fax: 040-353 5442 Emai l: shekarl @sat:yam.net.in 18 1 ntercem 2002 BMS Limited 2'"' floor, Hillcrest House. Woodcote Ongoing changes 111 cement indus try a nd NogaHilton Road, Wallington, Surrey SM 60LT, England . trading, transportation, handling of c;ement or Geneva, Tel. +44(0) 20 8669 5222 . 26-27 June. related products. Switzerland Fax: +44(0) 20 8669 9926 2002 Email: info( {4intercem.co.uk Website: www.intercem.com