Cement, Energy and Environment
CALENDAR OF EVENTS --- SN EVENT VENUE ORGANISER DATE FOCUS AREA I Thi rd International The Resource Alliance, 295 Kennington Road, Conference on Sustainable Agra, London SE I I 4QE, UK. 4-7 Marc h, Resource Mobi Iization: India Tel: +44 20 7587 0287 . fax: +44 20 7582 4335 2002 Developing Local Roots Ema iI: enguir:r~ resource-all iance.org.uk Web: www.resource-alliance.org 2 Symposium on "The Global University of Wash ington, Envi ronme ntal technologies Commercia li zati on of Washington, Batte lle's Environmenta l Techno logy 15 March, 2002 Environmenta l USA Emai I: hund(a)batte lle.org Technologies" Web: www.ctc2.org 3 Sympos ium on Uti li zation of Prof. Chang -jun Liu, State Key Laboratory of C.l Greenhouse Gases C23'd Florida, Chemical Technology, Tianjin Univers ity-ABE ACS Meeting) USA Plasma Greenhouse Gas Chemistry Laboratory, 7-11 , April, PO Box 796666, Tianjin 300072, China. Tel: + 86 2002 22 2789 0078 EmaiI: chang) iu@ J:1ubl ic.t(1t..tj .en Web: www.acs.o rg/meetings/ 4 lntercem Workshop 'Cement Amsterdam, BMS Limited 2"u fl oor. Hillcrest House. Woodcote Shipping Problems ahead? The Road, Wall ington, Surrey SM 60LT, England . 8-9 Apri l, 2002 Netherl ands Te l. +44(0) 20 8669 5222 . Fax: +44(0) 20 8669 9926 Emai l: info@, intercem.co.uk Website: W\Vw .intercem.com 5 Rural Community Roben Penny, Woodbi ne, Essex Road, Kalk Bay, Interaction and Workshop on Cape Town, 7975 Cape Town, South Africa. Alternative Ways to Combat South Africa Fax: +27 2 1 788 1285 8-20 Ap ri l, Desertifi cation: Connecting Email: robenJ:1en@ jaywalk.corn 2002 Community Action with Science & Common Sense 6 2nu Internat iona l Cement St. Pctrocern Russ ia. Cement Conference Petersbu rg. Fax: t 7(8 12) 2963906 14-1 8 April, Russia Emai l: scement(ci) (1eterlink.ru 2002 7 18"' Technical Symposi um Kuala AFCM Malaysia: Grace Okuda Optimisati on in the cement industry Lumpur, Fax: +60 37 492 1718 22-26 April, Malaysia Email: cemcamltm.net.mv 2002 8 44"' TEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Cary 0. Cohrs Cement manufacture Indus try Technical Jacksonville, Fax : + 1362 472 2449 5-9 i\·lay, 2002 Conference Florida, USA Emai l: caryc@, FLArock.com 9 Role of Industry and Consultancy Development Centre, India Habitat • The nuclear tests Academia In Technology New De lhi . Centre. Zone-IV. East Court, znd Fl oor, Lodh i II May, 2002 • Test firing ofTris hulmi ssi le Development India Road, New Delhi- II 0003. Tel: 46029 15 • Maiden test night of II ANSA-3 al l Fnx: 4602602. Ema il: cdc~g i asd iOI. vs nl.net.in composite two seater aircraft Web: www. indianconsu ltanc::r:.com ..
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