Cement, Energy and Environment
"'-4- crediting can lead to tangible inves tments and to the development of local capacity to maintain the per formance of these investments. These inves tments could incrementall y assist d eveloping countri es to achieve multiple su stainable development objectives, such as economic development, improvement of local environmental quality, minimisation of risk to human health by local pollutants, and reduction of green hou se gases. Asian Development Bank has identified a few sectors in India where COM proj ects can be taken up. A li s t of sectors and possible technologies that should be considered for GHG emission reduction was drawn up. Sectors Technologies Clean Coal Co-generation Combined Cycle, ISTIG Pulv erised Fluid Bed Combustion, Integrated Gas Combined Cycle PCSCB,Coal washing Renewables Small Hydro,Wi_nd Farms Biomass Power Solar Thermal Photo Voltaic (decentralised) Renewables for Gasifiers agriculture - agro based - wood based - Wind - Photo Voltaic Pumps - shallow well - deep well Industry (Cross Diesel Cogeneration cutting options) Heat Pumps High Efficiency Motors Waste Hea t Recovery Transport Compressed Nat ural Gas Cars/ Buses, Mass Rapid Transport Systems, Battery Operated Vehicles-3 Wheelers 2-Whheler (4 stroke) Domestic Compressed Fluorescent Lamp Lighting 36 W Fluorescent The study concluded that the renewable energy technologies have the highest GHG emission reduction potential. The cost per tonne of C0 2 saved is also low for renewable compared to the absolute amount of investment. The renewable projects can hence meet the developmental needs of the country and at the same time help in reducing carbon-dioxide emissions and addressing climate change. The recent provisions in the Marrakesh Accords for prompt start of small scale COM projects are aimed at these objectives only. The Kyoto commitments shall thus mean that there would be available finance for these distributed renewable projects. Courtesy: Development Alternatives April 2002, P12, Fax: 91-11-686 6031 E-mail: tara@sdalt.ernet.in Web: www. devalt. org
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