Cement, Energy and Environment

Grasim purchased Reliance Industries' 10 per cent in L&T together make a formidable duo in the cement sector, which is currently witnessing an overall consolidation. Their total capacity is approximately 30Mta. Courtesy: International Cement Review I Feb 2002 ,P-14 E-mail: info@CemNet.co.uk . Website: www.CemNet.com MY HOME GOES FROM STONE– LAYING TO FULL PRODUCTION IN A YEAR When Highlights visited My Home Cement on 29 January this year, it was exactly one year since the first stone was laid for the new production line. Already now the plant is close to full production. The project has progressed very swiftly, indeed it probably marks a record in the world of cement. After the successful expansion of Line 1 from 1200 tpd to 1500 tpd in March 2000, including a new ATOXmill and pyro/cooler upgrading, My Home Cemen t placed repea t orders with Full er India a nd F. L. Smith for the supply of machinery for the Line II project. The main machinery for the 2400 tpd production line includes anATOX 32.5 raw mill, a six-stage ILC prcheater,·a 3.6 m dia. x 54 m rotary kiln and a COOLAX cooler with CIS/MFR fixed inlet, a TIRAX coal mill and a OUOFLEX burner. Anew UMS ba ll mill and an 0-sepa separator a re added to the existing cement grinding facility Baghouse filters for both pyro and cement mill were supplied by Fuller Bulk Handl ing. The Line- II was finally commi ss ioned on 15 February 2002. Courtesy: Highlights Apr. 2002, P 14, Fax: +4536301820 E-mail: info@flsmidth.com Web: www. flsmidth.com CLEAN DEVElOPMENT MECHANISMS AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Vivek Kumar E-mail: vivck@sdalt.emct.in The Kyoto Protocol (COP3, Dec.1997) laid down four ' flexibility' mechanisms to bring down greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one such mechanism for supplementing d omestic actions by the developed countries for emission reductions under the Kyo to Protocol. The purpose of the CDM as de fi ned under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol is to: • • • Assist Parties not included in Annex-1 (developing countries) in achieving sustainable development contribute to the ultima te objec tive of the Convention, and ?ISS ist Annex-1 Parties (deve loped countries) in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments (QELRCs), under Article 3 of the Protocol. The COM will operate under the supervision of the COM Executive Board, which has since been constituted during COP7 a t Marrakesh. This will ensure a prompt start to the CDM in developing countries to promote sus tainable development through COM project ac tivities that would bring add itiona l foreign investment a nd clean technologies for reduction of avoidance of carbon emissions. CDM being a proj ec t based initiative can increase technology transfer. The COM can provide financial incentives for environmentally sound technologies and influence tec~nology choices. As a volun tary mechanism, this requires co-operation between developed and developing country pa rties, as well as between governmen ts, pr ivate sec tor e ntiti es, and communi ty organi za ti ons . Projec t based -