Cement, Energy and Environment
Table : India in relation to its Asian Competitors (Period 1990- 99) Country GDP Investment Investment Productivity FDI Growth Rate % Per % GDP Growth India 6.0 24.5 4.2 3.0 3.0 Bln US$ China 11.0 32.9 3.0 5.5 40.0 Thailand 5.2(7.0) 24.5 3.5 4.5 - Indonesia 5(7.5) 22.8 3.6 5.0 - Korea 6.2(7.5) 25.5 3.5 5.0 - Malaysia 8.0(9.5) 24.0 3.1 4.5 - J7ig urP.c; in pMenthesis are the average growth before the Asian financial crisis. Courtesy: Yojna Jun. 02. Pp 4-5. Fax:6175516/6193012 E-mail: yojnA@tcchpilgrim.com NEW VISION FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BRE News Release, Mar 19, 2002 The Fairlough report ca ll s on construction industry to develop a new vision for its future. It provides an excellent framework for improving effectiveness of research and development in construction and a opporh.mity for industry to make a step change in innovation. In particular, it suggests that: (i) the industry should welcome · proposa l that sponsorship research strategy to become industry led, and help to develop and maintain that strategy by providing real i ndustry engagement at the most senior level; (ii) the industry need to support the report's contention that cons truction industry has been under– funded by government compared to o ther industry sec tors; and (ii i) the report recommends that government should procure the research needed to suppor t the new industry-led strategy and government policy, primarily through long termmulti-discip linary contracts. The review was commissioned jointly by DTI to assess understanding, knowledge, skills and facilities in construction research tha t are likely to be needed to meet fu ture government and industry needs and to advise on how and where these would best be supported. Courtesy: WIST A I1111ovation Vol. 3, Issue II, Mny 2002, P 8, Fax: 91-11-461 9083 E-mail: witt@n de vsnl.net.in Web: www. witts .org. JOINT STUDY INITIATED Cement majors Larsen & Toubro Ltd and Grasim Indus tries Ltd have initiated a joint study to find ou t ways of reducing production cost. This is stated to create a synergy, to begin with, in the operations of the two companies. According to Mr. J. P. Nayak Member of the Board & President (Operations) of Larsen & Toubro Ltd, the two companies are following a path of "co-optition," a road between " co– operation and competition" of two players in the same sector. This is, perhaps, the firs t sign of creating a synergy in operations between the two, after
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