Cement, Energy and Environment
Categorisation of contracts according to the value Contract value No. of Value range contracts (Rs billion) Above 5 billion 4 23.95 4-5 billion 3 13.63 3-4 billion 5 17.77 2-3 billion 25 62.64 1-2 billion 41 60.90 05.1 billion 38 27.36 Bell ow 0.5 billion 24 7.58 Total 140 213.83 Summary of contracts under implementation as per the nationality of the implementing agency. Category of No. of Awarded cost fi rms contracts Total n o. of contracts 140 Jndian firms 90 Joi nt ventures (Ind ian & foreign firms), 38 Foreign firms 12 Courtesy: Indian Infrastructure, Feb 2002, Pp 48--19. (Rs billion) 213.83 106.86 71.04 35.93 Fax: 6152344, Phone: 6152322 Em ail: powerlin@de /2.vsnl.net.in THE STRATEGIC INDUSTRY REPORT The Stra tegic Indus try Report prepared for the cement sector was made pub lic on April 29, 2002. The existence of information prov iding a base for short-term, mid-term and long-term p lanning is an insurance for any industry. For this reason the management of Turkish Cement Ma nu fac tu rers' Assoc iati on a nd Cement Manufacturers Employers' union decided to initi a te a r esearch proj ec t to sa tis fy the information need for lon g-term planning in cement industry. The project was assigned to Andersen Business Consulting, an independent consulting firm. The s trateg ic Industry Report w as comple ted in 8 months. The report contained section s s uch as: The current situation in Turkish cement indus try, cement industry benchmarking report, domestic demand forecas t s tudy, SWOT an alysis and recommendations . Courtesy: Cem ent and Con crete World, Milr- Apr 02, Vol. 6, P -7. Fax: (90312) 2879272 Email: info@tcmCj.org.tr Web: www. tcma.org.tr IMPORTANCE OF GGBS/PSC Dl'. f. D. Bapat, HOD Ch emical Eng. Dept. Bh arti Vidyapee ths College of Eng ineering E-mail jdbapat@giaspna. vsnl. net. in Grea ter awareness and emphasis have been given on durability of concrete s tructures durin.g the last decade. The emphasis of construction industry has shifted fromhigh-sh·ength to high– performance concrete. The realisa tion has come on account of the fact that nearly 65% of the total cement sales in the cmmtry presently go towa rds the repairs / rebuilding of old structures. The need to build durable sh·uctures is fe]t not only from the point of view of econ omy, b ut also for the conser va ti on of reso urces, energy an d environment Durability means the capacity of the s tructure to effectively w ithstand the a ttack of the d ele terious agents, bo th external and interna l, throu gh out the life for which i t is designed . The common causes of d istress and deteriora tion in the concrete s tructure, in this part of the world, are carbona tion, corros ion of rein forcement, sulphate a ttack and alkali-silica reac tion (ASR). There is amp le ev idence both
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