Cement, Energy and Environment
The PPC p roduced by major cement companies is now of high consistent quCility and can be confidently used. The mindset and other hurdles in the use of PPC should be removed by the major construction organizations. It will have favourable impact on other consumers and the consumpti on of PPC will increase in the coming years. Courtesy : ICI Journal, Apr-fun 02, P 31-34. Email: ici3@vsnl.in Web: www.pcsndvt.com/ ici Tax: 91-44-4455148 STRUCTURES AND EARTHQUAKES: PRO-ACTIVE RESPONSE RN. Raikar, Fax: 4460760 Ea rthquake d isasters at Bhuj has brought out an heartening and outstanding contribution by engineering fraternity in the form of book "Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures for Earthquake Resistance" by ISSE. It is brought out in a record time and it is of inte rnational quality. It is a praiseworthy contribution of the Professional Association ISSE with their team of Consulting Engineers. ACI (American Concrete Institute), USA has few hundred technical committee served by more than 2500 experts as members. In addition, they h ave many fold reguiCir p aper I a rticle contributions. This alone deserves world class documents of ACI. Can we identity 1% willing con tributory participati on from amongst our experti se? If we arc able to stop this rot, it would be our conh·ibution in the millenium for the profession. Our chapter wants to celebrate "Si lver Jubilee" in 2004. Yes, it is 25 years of the chapter and ACI, USA celebrates centenary in the same year. We are planning some joint mega event here, there and everywhere. ACI, USA is responding with lot of support and enthusiasm and participation. I wan t all the "concrete experts" to join us in the mega event as "actors", participants and not only i1S observers. We have and we can do lot for our society. Chapter proposes to bring out at len s t two s peciCil issues of "Concre te Indi a" on Earthquake. The first one is wi th you now. The second would foll ow on "Obser va tions on Seismicity". Contributors are experts who have studied earthquake damage, response and have conducted seismic da ta assessmen t by visiting the affected areas. The refore, you would find originality in the text and therefore it is even fresh to enhance our unders tanding . I feel "retrofitters" will find these technical issues of interest and we want to come back to you more frequently. Courtesy : Concrete India journal of the Maharashtra Indic1 chapter of ACl, ]an-Mar 02, Vol. 17 No. 1, P 2. READY MIX CONCRETE Sanjay Bnhadur_ & Devcndrn Kumar Fande, Unitcch Prefeb Ud. The authors address the theoretical and practica l implications of prema ture concrete deterioration due to the corrosion o f embedded steel reinforcement. In quantitative terms and tries to assess what impact available technologies like RMC and use of pozzolans in concrete can have in the matter. The p aper covers mathematical model based insight into possible service life of structures. Based on these facts and the values o f corrosion initiation period, it can be fairly concluded that the service life of general concrete structures can be increased by almost 2 times by changing over to RMC, and furth er man y times by mcorporating pozzolans like fl y ash and GGBS at an RMC pl an t. Use o f RMC must be encouraged. It increases the overall service life o f concrete s truc tu res thereby substantial sav ings in life -cycle cost. RMC provides flexibility in te rms of using s upplemen tary cementing materials like fly ash and GGBS etc I J
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