Cement, Energy and Environment

Some of the importan t recommendations made by the seminars are: • • • Authorities of the rmal power ptants producing flyash should come forward to set up units to produce masonry cement and fly ash bricks, so that pollution and land degra tion b e ing ca used ge ts controlled. They ca n enco urage entrepreneurs to set up units to produce fl y ash based building prod uct/ materials. Concre te indus try worldw ide is consuming enormous natural resources and d ispos ing off la rge quantities of con s truction and demolition was te in land fills. Both these are damagi ng to en vironment and are n o longe r considered sustainable. In the long term, rapid depletion of reso urces may contravene the principles of sustainable deve lopment. One of the solutions is recycling of concrete to produce aggregates for use in new construction. To ensure adequate durability, one must select a n appropriate con crete mi x incl uding admixtures and other eco– friendly materials and also ensure all the concreting operation are well executed. + A scientifically designed maintenance management system for existing structure need be introduced to effectively preserve the utility during its life span but even prolong the life of facility. + Should take up formulation of standards in the area of built en vironment in the same lines as Indian Roads Congress has been done in the road sector. Courtesy : JCI Journal, Apr-fun 02, P 47, Email: ici@md4. vsnl.net.in Web: www.pcsadvt.com/ici Fax: 91-44-4910710 INDIA-THAI-MYANMAR HIGHWAY ON ANVIL The Fimlllcial Express, 6 April 02 In a path-breaking sub-regional initiative, India, Thailand, and Myanmar have agreed to launch a trilateral highway project linking the three countries for better connec ti v ity, to enhance trade, investment and tourismwi th New Delh i sugges ting a consortium to raise fund s for infrastructure, transport and other linkages. The three sides agreed to cooperate on promotion of a highway fromKanchanburi in Tha iland to Dawei Deep seaport in Myanmar and sh ipping links to seaports in Ind ia. The th ree sides agreed to intensify efforts on huma n resource development, transfer of technology and to acq ui re funds a nd adv isory ser vices from countries, regional organi za ti ons and interna tional Fis (financial institutions) for the transport linkages. Courtesy: TERI Ncwswirc, 1-15 Apr 02, P 6. Fax:46821.J.J Email: ou treach@teri.rcs.in Web: www.teriin.org ARE EXPRESSWAYS SAFE? The Hindu Business Line, 22 April 02. In the past few years, seve ra l hi ghways, motorways, and expressways projects have come up in India. Basically, the focus has been on connecting two important cities of prime loca tion, where there is increased traffic flow at all hours of the day - l3angalore-Hosur, Delhi– Jaipur, Delhi-Chandigarh and Chennai-Nellore. One of the mos t importan t, new and state-of– the-a rt projec t was the Pune-Mumbai Expressway. Those gruelling 5-6 hours drive has been drastically reduced to a couple of hours now, saving precious time fo r the Pune and Mumbai industr ial and business people. Now, one can go more than two times in a day, if the need arises, wh ich was difficult earl ier.