Cement and Energy

PCRA'S ENERGY AUDIT SUBSIDY AND ENERGY AUDIT EQUIPIVIENT SOFT L()AN SCHEI\IES P etroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), which is a registered society set up under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, has offered two subsidy schemes in the direction of encouraging energy conservation. These are as follows: 1. Subsidy Scheme for Energy Audit Study Available for units at industrial complexes, the subsidy is up to 50 per cent of the cost towards conducting energy audit and limited to a maximum amount of Rs. 50,000/– per industrial unit. It is payable after satisfactory completion of the energy audit by a PCRA empanelled energy auditor, and acceptance of the report both by PCRA and the party, as well as a written commitment by . the party for implementing the recommendations of the audit accounting for 50 per cent or more of the total identified energy saving potential. 2. Soft Loan Scheme for Energy Audit Equipment For conducting quality energy audits, certain sophisticated and standard instruments/equipment are required. Their prohibitive cost comes in the way of their purchase by industries/energy auditors. To overcome this, PCRA will provide financial assistance in the form of soft loan for purchase of instruments/equipment required for conducting energy audits so that energy auditing may be efficiently and accurately carried out. A beneficiary can avail of assistance in the form of part loan from PCRA for such purchase up to 50 per cent of the cost or Rs. 10 lakhs whichever is less, with the beneficiary contributing the balance 50 per cent. An interest rate of 8 per cent on reduced-principal-basis per year is chargeable on the loan amount. Further details on the above schemes can be obtained from any regional/sub-regional offices of PCRA. NATIONAL AWARDS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN INDIAN CEMENT INDUSTRY 1998-99 INCENTIVES FOR LARGER PARTICIPATION N CB's scheme of National Awards for Energy Efficiency in Indian Cement Industry, started in 1986, has been further modified this year in response to the valuable suggestions received from the industry and the recommendations of a core group of experts set up for the purpose. Firstly, for motivating a larger number of cement plants to participate, the total number of awards . has been increased. Secondly, for encouraging the utilisation of industrial wastes and for mineral conservation, an additional award for energy performance in the manufacture of blended cements is also being introduced. Also, from now onwards, the presentation of the awards will be made every year in an appropriate public function. The Questionnaires for the 1998-99 awards have already been sent to all cement plants for inviting nominations. It is proposed to organise the function for the distribution of the awards during December 1999/January 2000 in New Delhi. 9