Cement and Energy

Thermal Energy • Optimisat ion of raw mix design • Minimising false air entry • Optimi sation of cooler • Installation of multi-channel burner 2. .llalalmr Cements Ltd Recipient of the Awards for the Second Best Improvement m Energy Performance and Best Improvement in Electrical Energy Performance for 1997-98. Malabar Cements, Walayar, is a dry process pl:mt with an install ed capacity of 4.2 LTPA. The plant is equipped with a 4-stagc SP kiln. Energy Conservation Measure.> Adopted Overall • Creating awareness and moti vation for energy conservation Elcctncal Encrg~· • Minimising l~1lse air infiltration • Replacing inefficient motors with energy cfticicnt ones in different sections • In stallation of belt bucket elevators in raw mill and kiln sections • Installation of variable-speed lluid coupling for higher capaci ty fans • Opti1msat1on of gnncling media in mills • Reducing idle running of machines Thermal Energy • Kiln optimisation through Puzzy logic control system • Introduction or baSICbrick linmg- Perilax 83 for kiln • Proper scaling for cooler 3. Century Cement Recipient of the Award for the Third Best Improvement in Energy Performance for 1997-98, Cenlllry Cement, Baikunth, is a dry process plant wi th an in stalled capacity of 12 LTPA. The plant is equipped with two 5-stage precalciner kilns. Energy Come1wttion Measures Adopted Electrical Energy • Installation of bucket elevator for kiln feed • Conversion of coal mil ls to mono-chamber with modilied boltlcss liner • Installation or modilied liners and fl ow control diaphragm for raw mills and cement mills • Installation ol' capacitor banks, soft starters Thermal Energy • Addition of one more cyclone in K-line preheater stream of both kiln s • Installation of pneumatic seal at kiln inlet and wind box seal at kiln discharge end • Provision of hot air system for all raw mills using waste heat gases from kiln section 4. The Associated Cement Cos. Ltd., l..akheri Recipient of the Award for the Best Improvement in Thermal Energy Performance for 1996-97. The Associated Cement Cos. Ltd., Lakhcri , is a wet process plant with an installed capacity of 3.22 LTPA having three kil ns. Energy Comerl'(ltion Measures Adopted • Installed modilicd spring seals at kiln ends • Constant monitoring or oxygen level and maintaining kiln seals in perfect condition • Usc of AC variable speed dri ves for coal and kiln feed control • Usc of tran sfer-point dust collectors in raw coal handling • Implementati on of TPM to motivate all workers 8