Cement and Energy

--- • Timely overhauling of motors and periodical in spection of the equipment leading to fewer stoppages Opt imisation of gri nding media pattern on which depends grinding efficiency. Regular air balancing of cement mill circuit to mi ni mise fal se air ingress which disturbs the steady operation of equipment and consumes more energy. Miscellaneous Strict preventive ·and predictive maintenance besides condition monitoring systems followed, resulting in higher availability of equipment. Effective computerised systems developed for breakdown analysis and information regarding important operating parameters, to take timely corrective ~ction. General Entire household energy meters in the residential colony made operative. Thi s has reduced power drawal by 15-20%. Reduced-voltage light controller put up in the railway siding yard, which has saved 1.5 kW in this circuit. Demand monitor installed for avoiding penal demand charge. Strict observance of load management to remain within the contractual demand. Phased replacement of 60 W GES lamps by PL-1 1 W CFL's. Such replacement at the residential complex will save around Rs. 1.4 lac per year with an investment of Rs. 1.1 lac. Time switches introduced to au tomatically switch off lamps during day time. Norms setting for operational parameters and targets for production/energy consumption. These are continuously monitored and reviewed leading to excellent results. Conclusion The quest for energy conservation and higher productivity is a continuing one at DCW and will be pursued with ever greater vigour. NCB ENERGY EFFICIENCY AWARDS SUCCESS STORIES OF THE AWARDERS: PARTII s ccond in the series, this part features four more plants: The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd (TJSCO), Malabar Cements Ltd., Century Cement and ACC Ltd. , Lakheri. The tir st part (Celllent and Energy, July 1999) covered three plants. 1. The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd (TISCO) Recipient of the Avv:ards for the Best improvement in Energy Performance and Best Improvement in Electrical Energy Performance for 1997-98, TISCO, Sonadih, is a dry process pl ant with an installed capacity (clinker) of 10 LTPA. It is eq ui pped wi th a 5-stagc SP kil n with precalcmcr. Energy Conservation Measures Adopted Overall • Implementation of improved management informat ion system, effective preventive main tenance • Energy monitoring • Energy auditing Electrical Energy • Adoption of high effici ency separator and roller press in cement mill sections • Use of variable frequen cy drives for cement mill bag filter fan, cooler vent fan, cooling fan • Usc of SPRS for raw mill fan , PH fan • Use of capacitor banks • Min imi sing idle operation of crusher and stacker 7