Cement and Energy

. FORTHCOMING EVENTS • 18 - 20 October 1999 Coaltrans'99 : CCH, Hamburg, Germany Coal trans Conference Ltd. Nestor House, Play House Yard London EC4V SEX, UK Tel : +44 (0) 171 779 8945 Fax :+44 (0) 171 779 8946 Email : Coaltrans @euromoneyplc.com • 20 - 23 October 1999 • 08- 12 November 1999 • 5th Brazilian Conference on Portland Cement Sao Paulo, Brazil Contact: Vagner Maringolo, ABCP, on : Tel : +55 II 3760 5405/5404 Fax : +55 11 3760 5400 Email : Congresso @abcp.org.br November 2000 Seventh NCB International Seminar on Cement and Building Materials New Delhi APCAC XVI Technical Meeting Organisation by Cemento Progreso SA Guatemala Contact : Organising Secretary, National Council for Cement and Building Materials Contact: Alejander Urdeneta Valee Email : aurdaneta @vencemos.com Cement Manufacturers' Association P-21, South Extension Part II, New Delhi - 110 049 (INDIA) Tel : 91 11 625 9133,91 11 625 1371 Fax: 91 11 625 8868, 91 129 24 2100 Email: nccbm@ giasdlOl. vsnl.net.in Vishnu Kiran Chamber, 2142-47, Gurudwara Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110 005. Tel : 576-3206, 576-0347, 573-2332, Tlx: 031-77240, Fax: 011-573-8476. E-mail: crnand@nda.vsnl.net.in National Council for Cement and Building Materials NH-2, Ballabgarh 121 004, Haryana. Tel: 0129-242-051 to 56, 0129-246-174-75, Tlx: 0343-301, Fax: 0129-242-100 14