Cement and Energy

I ' NCB ON CLEANER TECHNOLOGIES CENTRE'S PANEL N CB has been inducted in the proposed Indian Centre for Promotion of Cleaner Technologies, set up under the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Governmem of India. According to news reports, "the Centre would identify state-of-the-art technologies in different sectors of development available all over the world and promote their adop tion'' At the outset, energy and industry will be taken·up as the two important sectors by this Centre. In the energy Courtesy: NCB Newslelfer, .June 1998 sector, the major emphasis will be on thermal, hyde! and energy conservation. In industries, the sectors chosen are textilies, fertilizers, steel and cement. NCB has been inducted in the cement sector as related to energy and pollution control measures. Other imnortant institutions/organisations inducted are National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Tata Energy Research Institute, Confederation of Indian Industry, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Fertilizer Association of India and National Producti vity Council. The Centre will operate and function through these institutions and organisations. CENTRE TO SET UP BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY T he Uni on Government proposes to enact a legislation to institulionalise energy conservation measures aDd to set up a regulating mechanism. In order to implement this, the Energy Conservation Bill 1998 is to be brought in the nex t session of Parliament. The Bill will provide for a rational and efficient usc of energy and the creation of a new organisation called Bureau of Energy Effi ciency (BEE), according to the Chief Engineer, Energy and Environment, Central Electricity Authority (CEA). The Bureau will fonnulate policies, programmes and co– ordinate the implementati on of energy conservation activi ties. News Item : Financial Express 22.8. 1998 Mandatory energy audit, training managerial and operational staff, creating specific strategies for creation of awareness among industrial, agricultural, commercial and domestic consumers of energy, creation of R&D facilities and rational pricing of energy are some of the other provisions of the Bill . The Bill also would suggest that the state governments, on consultation wi th the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, may designate one or more agencies to co-ordinate and regul ate matters relating to implementation of energy conservation. 10