Cement and Energy

annum. The plant is equipped with a rotary kiln of 1700 tpd capacity (5 -stage SP with precalciner). Overall Minimising fal se air infi ltration Electrical Energy Compressed air optimisation Power system management Bucket elevator system for the coal transport Maintaining high power factor Improved vertical roller mill operation though better maintenance and improved separator. Thermal Energy Modification in feed pipe distribution in cyclones. MYSORE CEMENTS LIMITED, AMMASANDRA (Recipient of the best improvement in Thermal Energy Pe1jormance Award for the year / 994-95) Mysore Cements Ltd, Ammasandra, is a dry process plant operating two rotary kilns of 1600 tpd capacity (double string 4-stage prebeater with precalciner) and 400 tpd capacity (4 stage preheater with precalciner). Overall Prevention of false air infi ltration Better continuity in operations Energy audit study Better raw meal and coal feeding system through modifications Electrical Energy Bucket elevators in place of pneumatic conveyors Installation of tertiary crusher for limestone crushing Thermal Energy Introduction of dual firing system Coal blending Modi fication of tertiary ai r duct connection from kiln hood. THE SKY'S THE LIMIT N uh Cimento Sanayii AS was founded in 1966. The first line wen t into production in 1969 and the second in 1973. Until the conversion of line 1, these two virtually-identical kiln lines each produced 1300 tonnes of clinker per day. The dimensions of both rotary kilns were 4.2 m diameter by 60 m length. With the increasing demand for cement in Turkey, the decision was taken in 1992 to convert kiln II to precalcination and to make corresponding increases in the capacities of the raw meal and clinker systems. In 1993, the contract to convert the conventi onal kiln line n wi th four-stage cyclone preheater to a PASEC precalcining system was finalised. The guaran tees included an increase in capacity from approximately 1300 tpd to 3000 tpd (with a maximum of 3300 tpd) clinker and a simu ltaneous reduction in the specific heat consumption from approx imately 830 kcal/kg to 730 kcallkg clinker (3475 and 3056 kJ/kg respectively). The ACT-PASEC Process The system has the registered trade name ACT-PASEC. This stands for, PArallel, SErial , Calciner. Figure I shows the process in schematic form with characteristic gas and material flow of a five-stage preheater. 6