Cement and Energy

However, the scope of improvement by use of mineralizer has to be studied on case-to-case basis as it is specific to a .· ·-~ ... . . . ·-~~-J ....... ~ 'k; .• • I "'•~. .. . • . '· • ~ ""' · ._ .. •' . ·. ·~ . '-) w . It .. .>.flo. ,. . . ..... . .. .. '- . .•. .. . . . . .. ~ . • .• . ..._; • . ~ . .., .. :-,. ·;- • .......( lAJ .t '~ ......__, . ''.. .. . "' • _!.·~· ~ .. --~ · ~ · .~, ·-'.~--~~..,;. ,.•. •lfl;_l ·..: , T• _..."""' • . . "' .. .!:4£\: .. ~. . . . "( ~ .. ... ..··.·"". .....,.._.···". ~ "'· .w ......___ t.':~if. : :~.,".: .:. ';.·:·r .. J. ~~. ; . ~ . · ..... -"' ,~T· #~"'· !!!f:,.,. ,_.. . ~· ~~·· \J .. .i¥J.. , ., •. • • ~.. l ··'fAa I':.& . ~ . . , .• ~ t .•., .......... r . . ,,_ " .. (r.. .) "' . ·• . · """' ....... ._,~ . ~- ...... ~~) t' ...... .. ·· .. ' ... - _, .. •' .,. ·• ./.'• . ... . ... . ,.· •....... . -": ~. ' - ' .. .;. . . . . . , ;. ~ ., . . . . . .. { ·~ .. . . ,,,-t J. ~, '1·.-• ~··~. ·.. ·. ·.~ -~ •· _' \ <•, ... Y~~-. ~ '. .· \t '\, . '"'. "4 ~th:·· · ~ .~ ,. ~·-~:.-.!... • ~~ ... . - ~ ~t;: ..... ~~~ . .. - Alkl""_ ,. ..... ...... ..~..; '·.·~ .... •·. · ..::: · ..·.-.•. -'t. - -": ""'.·:· ... ".. _: . '· . • ~ . t . ..., 11 · ,, . . ·- ·. '· •' r ~ " ..,.... ·.~1"1· 111 " · • .......... , .. • •j'. \"~ . ; ·. . .-.,. j .4 • ? . .. • ' . ,. :It ,,, ·,., ' .t' - t · ' ..... ..,. .. ... .... - . - ,.... • '--.r',. • Plare I : Optical micrograph ofclinkers made from oplimised raw mix wi1hot11 mineraliser. Nole incomplele alile formarion (x) wilh 1Jeli1e rim particular situation and no empirical conclusions can be drawn. Plate 2 : Oplicalmicrograph ofclinkers made from oplimised raw m.ix wilh harile as mineraliser. No1e lesser clus1ering of helile, larger quanlily and improved morphology ofa/iii'. ENER<;Y CONSERVATION - R()UND-UP Training Programme on Energy Audit ami Management for Cement Industry N CB organised a Training Programme on 'Energy Audi t and Management for Cement lndustry' at its Hyderabad unit during 4-6 August. 1997. Il was attended hy 30 participan ts from different cement plant s. Shri K. Vishnu Raju. Managing Director, M/s. Raasi Cement Ltd, while inaugurat ing the programme, lauded NCB's role in energy conservation by holding such training programmes and conducting energy audit studies. Shri R. Kunjilhapatham presided over the Inaugural Function. The lectures were delivered by NCB experts as well as experts from cement plants; Administrative Staff Coll ege. Hyderabad ; and COPES. Following were the topics wvered : • Energy utilisation and conservation options in cement industry • Energy management and conservation strategy • Raw material and fuel characteristics for lower energy consumption • Energy efficiency in size reduction operations • Energy conservation through optimisation of kiln parameters • Energy conservation th rough energy efficient system and technology • lmproving energy efficiency in electrical systems • Role and principles of energy audit • Energy management, energy monitoring and target selling. The participant s took active partici pation in the brain– storming group discussions. Technical presen tations were also made by M/s. Habasi t Tokoka Pvt. Ltd. on ' potential use of nat belts towards energy savings· and by M/s. Nco Pctcon Pvt. Ltd. on ' use of additives in diesel engine'. National Workshop on Energy and Environmental Audit The Workshop was organised by the Confederat ion of Indian Industry (CII) in Chennai on 6th May 1997 to