Cement and Energy

Cementa-; En gineering has dealt with the design problems or the ~hell liners and has developed a more economic 'ihcll liners system from the already known systems. By c.:onsiderin g the present disadvantages of known systems, the following advantages have been produced : • Simple install ation. • Simple exchange of individual plating. • The possibility to equip mi ll s of different d iameters with the same plates. • Less wear. • Good acti vation performance. lJ. )' ~- ;.... ) '/ Figure 6. Sma ll and medium mills (t = classifying angle 13 = f(D) This system is based on the application of plating being fi xed to the grindi ng tube by means of wedges, whereby the angle of the respecti ve wedge is adjusted to the mill t.iJ ameter and is screwed to the grinding tube. In some Courte.l'\' : World Cel/11'111. Ja11. 1998 cases, the length of a wedge can total up to three lengths of plates. In the second grinding chamber, the classifying plates·are clamped by the activator and have a smooth surface to enable good movement of the grinding media. An energy saving of up to 15% is possible by using this form of liners (simi lar to the boltless form) and an additional saving of up to 30% on maintenance costs can be achieved (Figures 6 and 7). Conclusion It is evident that much remains to be done in developing grinding cycle optimisation. Figure 7. Large mil ls <X = classifying angle 13 = f(D) Cementas Engineering has tried to demonstrate how, with simple solutions, the management of a cement plant can make skilled technical improvement to their existing plant. CONCEPTS OF CLINKER COOLING AND THE IKN DESIGN Fast clinker cooling with excellent heat recovery can be achieved by using strong horizontal air jets in the clinker bed. The advantage of horizontal aeration is that it does not agitate the clinker bed, sand blast the grate plates, transport fines to the bed surface and a sharp temperature profile across the clinker bed. IKN uses the Coanda nozzle to generate strong air jets nca r the grate surface and prevent the passage of clinker lhrough lhe grate. The physical effect is named after a Romanian . The Coanda nozzles are part of the IKN fixed clinker inlet distribution system which extends the service of the clinker cooler and improves heat recovery. 4