Cement and Energy

So far, emi ssion trading has been discussed as a mechanism for the developed world. At a press conference the Bank's Managing Director, Mr. Caio Koch-weser told that the cost for developing countries to offset one tonne of carbon was about $ 5 - I0 while in developed countries it was $ 50-$ 60. Mr. Weser, said negotiations can result in developed countries paying the additional $10- $20 to developing Enmnmic Times: 2 April, 1998 countr;~s for projects which offered global benefits to world environments. This way, Mr. Weser said, developing countries were compensated for checking carbon emission and slowing economic growth while developed countries, whose expenditure would have been more in such projects locally, save money. . . NATIONAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY AWARDS - 1997-98 ~ - . A in previous years, the National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCB), as the administering organi sation for the National Awards for Energy Efficiency in Indi an Cement Industry, will shortly process the entries for the Awards for the years 1996--97 and 1997-98. To this end, Questionnaires have l'leeni. ~Nt \btctrP'fh l~fitetnt !fimn'fs.J I 'Fii~fa!tl \1\\~e for It may he recalled that the scheme of 'National Awards tor Energy Effi ciency' in Cement Industry was instituted by NCB in 1986-87, with the objecti ve of moti vati ng competitive improvement in performance, and increasing energy consciousness in Indian Cemen t Industry through national recognition of the ertorts for achieving progressively lower energy consumption. These Awards have gained in popul·,rity and the participation profile also has enlarged considerably over the years. Thus these Awards are customeri ly conferred at the biennial NCB International Seminars on Cement and Building Materials. Twelve Awards were given away during the Fifth NCB International Seminar in November 1996 at New Delhi , to the cement plants which had shown significant improvement in their energy efficiency duri ng the years 1994-95 and 1995-96. The methodology for evaluation of data, for selection of award wi nning plants, consists of comparison of energy consumption in the reference year · with the best performance in the preceeding three years. The decision on the Awards is taken by a Jury after going into the above aspects of each entry. The Awards for the years 1996-97 and 1997-98 will be distributed in the concluding session of the Sixth NCB International Seminar during 24-27 November, 1998 to be held in New Delhi. 16 J