Cement and Energy

NCB ENERGY EFFICIENCY AWARDS BIRLA CEMENT WORKS, CHITTORGARH (Recipient of the Best Improvement in Energy Performance and the Best Improvement in Thermal Energy Performance Awards for the year 1992-93) Birla Cement Works, Chittorgarh, is a dry process plant having an installed capacity of 6 LTPA. The plant is equipped with 2 dry process kilns with 5-stage LP cyclone system of 900 tpd each capacity. The Energy management measures adopted by the plant are : Electrical Energy Installation of high efficiency separators both in raw· material grinding and cement grinding. Installation of water spray system in both kilns for cooling exit gas before preheater (PH) fan has resulted in reduction in power consumption in PH fan and also in ESP fan. · All the three coal mills have been converted from single fan system to double fan system. This has increased the efficiency of coal mills and kilns. Capacitor banks have been installed. Output from compressors and distribution of air have been optimised through reduction of speed to suit air requirements. A number of equipment have been either eliminated or relocated to streamline the system. Thermal Energy Hot exit gas from PH outlet is being utilised for drying coal in all the three coal mills thus eliminating auxiliary furnaces. Mechanical type kiln inlet seals replaced with pneumatic ones for better sealing Both kilns converted to 5-stage LP cyclone system and kiln length reduced from 85 m to 71 m resulting in 15% reduction of thermal energy. SAURASHTRA CEMENT & CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD (Recipient of the Second Best Improvement in Energy Performance Award for the year 1991-92). Saurashtra Cement & Chemical Industries Ltd, Ranavav, has a dry process plant with an installed capacity of 8.6 LTPA. The plant is equipped with a rotary kiln and 4-stage suspension preheater with precalciner having a rated capacity of 2500 tpd. The energy conservation measures adopted by the plant are : Overall Constitution of an energy cell for daily monitoring of electrical and thermal energy consumption and identifying areas of 9