Cement and Energy

'. I The high reactive power consumption of WEG's calls for deta tlcd ~wdy by the suppliers to reduce the RKV AH consumptions. fhe State Electricity Board should look tnto the availability of adequate evacuat ton facility from the gnd to avotd shutting down of WEG's at high wind velocity periods when these machines indeed are capable of generating maximum power. Conclusion A panoramic view ofChettinad Cemellt's Wind Farm Since this form o f energy is economical, environment friendly and efficient, the Govemment of India should give encouragement by giving numerous concessions like lihcral depreciation and tax concession, so that the Courtl'.l\" · Clll'ffiuad Cement Corporation Ltd. available energy is tapped to the maximum extent possible. Instead of all of it in the form of concession, the money can be used on research and development to reduce dependence on foreign suppliers. . . WIND ENERGY ESTATES TO BOOST POWER GENERATION I n a bid to promote power generation from all possible sources the govemment has decided to allow joint sector companies to set up wi nd energy estates to push up power generation by 1000 MW in the Ninth Plan. As per the condition for setting up joint sector wind energy estates, the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) would have equity participation up to 24%. The participating state government will provide Conru•sr · The !>eccml 1/eralrl. 7 November /998 •• •• 1 l; promotional equity of 25%. However, the cabinet decided the private sector promoter in the estate would have the majority participation and management control. It may be noted that the installed capacity of wind generators crossed 900 MW in the Eighth Five Year Plan as against the envisaged goal of 500 MW. At present, the installed capacity is 975 MW of which 925 MW is generated through private sector projects. •• 1 • 'f ,., . SE!VIINAR ON ENERGY CONSERVATION IN CEMENT INDUSTRY, MAIHAR, MP, 08 NOVEMBER, 199~ A one-day Seminar on Energy Conservation in Cement Industry was organised by MP Chamber of Cement Manufac turers· in collaboration with Fuller India Ltd., at I I Maihar Cement, Sarlanagar on 08 November, 1998 . MP State Level Energy Awards were distributed on this occasion. Also, a Souvenir was released which included papers on various aspects of energy conservation through operational improvement and technology upgradation. 7