Cement and Energy

ENERGY OPTIMISATION THROUGH ADOPTION OF EFFICIENT EQUIPMENT IN UNIT-II OF RAJASHREE CEMENT D.D. :Atlll, Vice Presilk11t (Teele.) & &LN. M•rdly, Sr. Ma11.,er Introduction R ajashrce Cement, a unit of Indian Rayon and Industries Ltd., commissioned its Unit-l for cement production in I984 which is operating at present with 2200 tpd clinker capacity. In 1990, the plant went on to commission 1ts Unit-!1 which is now operating at about 3300 tpd clinker. This in tum was followed by an exj)~l!\s ion programme, with the conm1issioning of its Unit -Ill within a record time of 15 months in June 1995. With the most modem energy efficient equipment installed, this Unit· has a clinker production capacity of 3500 tpd. Energy Conservation Measures Wi th escalation in power and fuel costs day by day, and the dim prospects of availability of sufficient power and fuel in the near future, Rajashree Cement has attached .. , utmost priority to energy conservation and has constantly been making focussed efforts to achieve optimum energy consumption levels. Following are the various means adopted in this context. i) ii) iii) iv) Recourse to latest technology; Modifications and design change, and installation of latest energy saving equipment in consultation with machinery manufacturers; Minor modifications and design changes (suggested by Task Forces); and Implementation of employees ' suggestions and innovative ideas implementation (Employee participation). Table I summaries the equipment and features which were incorporated in Unit-U at the time of project selection. ,, Table l Equipment and Features Incorporated in Unit-11 at tbe Time of Project Selection S.No. Plant Section Equipment/Feature I I Raw mill Mono-chamber ball mill Grinding-energy saving roller press High efficiency dynamic separator like Zub separator and fan 2 Coal mill Energy efficient vetiical coal mill Facility for coarse and fme coal grinding Variable speed drives in bot gas fan and coal mill fan . 3 Kiln 6-stage preheater Low pressure-drop cyclones High efficiency fans for preheater, kiln ESP, and cooler and cooler vent ESP's for kiln and cooler for recovering up to 50 mg/Ntn 3 dust Fuzzy logic operation Conventional grate cooler •:;; ! ' r rt Jl 'i Multi-channel burner c:" l '! ,, 4 Cement mill Grinding-energy saving roller press High efficiency dynamic separator like Zub separator with fan Hybrid mode of operation for better distribution of material to ball mill and roller press 4