Cement and Energy

quick, systematic and accurate. 21 cement plants have ben<..:lltcd from tJ1c sponsorecl Energy Audit Studies with Energy Bus duri ng past live years. ENERGY AWARDS The scheme of National Awards for Energy efllciency was jointly started by NCB and Ministry of Power, Government of India in 1988-89 and these awards are being given regularly si nce then. The obj ective of lhe award is to motivate competitive improvement in energy performance and to improve energy consciousness in Indian cement industry hy giving national recognition to the efforts for realisation of lower energy consumption levels. 1l1e cxccllcncc in energy efnciency, judged as improvement in energy performance in relation to previous years' performance, has been achieved by the cement plants due to the followi ng broad efforts : • Setting up or in-house Efficient Energy Consumption Energy Audit & 950 130 930 Monitoring Cells. I '"'-.. 125 '"-Thermal c: c 122 """'"'-.. ::t t5 900 120 s • Operational control and 0 '"'-.. 0 "'~0 ::t Cl 115 2. optimisation ~ () ., II> ~850 110 i ::t Fixing of better ~ • energy 105 standards/targets BOO 100 1991 -92 1993-94 1995-96 • UpgradaUon of process control and instrumentation facilit.ics • Retrolitting and adoption of energy efllcient equipment/systems • Active participation of employees and human resource development through training ,