Cement and Energy

for energy management in the cement industry to improve the energy ctTiciency and streamline pl ant operati on. Moreover . since both coal and power account for nearly equal costs, it is of paramount impot1 ancc to focus energy management anention towards thermal energy as well as electrical energy. Energy audit studies Energy Cost component- Increase over the Year - 45 / 40 35 / / ~ 30 4l Cl !! 25 c: 20 4l // ~ 0 It) ~ 15 4l ~ 10 ~ M 0 It) N 0 . M 5 0 0 / N ~ iP 1986-87 1991 -92 Year / / ~ 0 ' It) ~ . 0 ~ ,/ 1994-95 can investigate and infer many unexpected areas for energy conservation si nee the approach or an independent third party is al ways difrcrcnt from that or in-house personnel who arc likely to overl ook certain aspects clue to their day-to-day experience. The energy audi t studies bei ng carri ed out by the Nati onal Council for Cement and I3uilding Materi als (NCB) with 1-:nergy I3us present a commendable example in this regard. U nder its Energy Conservation Program NCB has carried out Energy Audit Studies in a l arge number o f plan ts (96) . .Jointl y witJ1 .13urcau o f Industrial Costs and The energy audit Prices (ntCP). it did a repeat follow-up energy usc survey of cement industry in I 993-94 artcr the first survey or 1983- 84. The report of thi s study 11igl1ligllted pol icy guidelines and recommendations for energy management/ con ·cr vation. NCI3 has been identified hy Oovernment o f India as 'Lead Agency' ror assisting cement plants in monitoring ancl studies carried out so far have indicated a total potential saving of Rs 36.61 crores imph.:mentation or energy conservation programmes. Under its own R& D Proj ects, NCI3 carried out detailed l:nergy audit studies in many plants wllicll strcngtllcnecl its expcn ise and capabilitil!s. Tllereartcr. such studies l1ave hccn c<uTied out ror many plants under sponsorsllip o f indi vidual plants since past li ve years. A fter the acquisition or the Mobile Energy Diagnostic Un it (1-:nergy I3us) in 198l). the procedures of such study became very