Cement and Energy

CEMENT AND ENERGY INTRODUCTION Energy crisis has created a great awakening all over tllc world to lind allernate sources of energy as well as to bri ng about an effective discipline in its generation and usc. Energy conservation has assumed greater impo1tance as one of the efficient ways to reduce cost of production in view or scarce energy resources and ri sing energy costs. Indian cement industry has been very responsive to energy conservation. l11crc lli·e I 12 major cement plants in Jndia with an installed capacity of 90 mil.t. Some of the modern plants arc comparable wi th the best in the world in terms of energy cniciency. The a~crage specific energy consumptjon has been brought down over the years though constant efforts, yet much more has to be done. The path of energy conservation is long but the end results arc going to be very bri ght. Energy Consumption level in Cement Manufacture in Different Countries Country Specific Thermal Specific Electrical Energy Energy Consumption Consumption (Kcal/kg Cl.) (Kwh/t Cmt.} USA 1080 135 France 910 110 India 816 110 Taiwan 850 120 Switzerland 825 95 S. Korea 790 120 Germany 760 105 Japan 730 95 ENERGY AUDIT IN INDIAN CEMENT INDUSTRY Cement is one or the most energy intensive industries in the country. 1l1e energy cost account s for about 40-45% share or total production cost and witll continuing incn.:ase in energy cost, both coal and power, this share is likel y to register an upward trend in the comi ng years. Also, the poor quality or cl>al and mounting JX)wer cuts have resulted in unstable plant operation and production loss. 1l1esc factors call for an integrat ed approach