Cement and Energy

T.R. Prasad Tel: 3011815 'qTffl ffiC6R ~~ (""m1T1 Cf) ;:ftfu 3lR ~d;r ~) ~ cqq.:f, ~ ~- 110011 Cfjm1 t 11111111 (of //11dra • flini~lt!/ oj .inrlttJit,y (2Jcjdl. oj /Jn~lmltial .fllr:t-,y am/ .fwmdil 0 1lr/yw dJiwwan , . J(((, rlit 1/ti -110011 January 3, 1997 MESSAGE I am glad to know that the CMA and NCBM are jointly bringing out a quarterly News letter "Cement & Energy". Indian Cement Industry is one cf the few industrial sectors which has taken full advantage of the opportunity thrown up by liberalisation and globalisation of economy. The industry has recorded impressive growth during the last few years and the installed capacity and production has more than doubled during the last 10 years. The Indian Cement Industry has adopted various energy efficient equipment and manufacturing processes as a result of which the energy consumption levels achieved by some of the cement plants in the country are at par with the values achieved by the plants in the developed countries. I am sure the quarterly news letter to be brought out would help in maintaining high standards of energy conservation by the cement plants in the country by benchmarking themselves with the best in the world. [T.R. Prasad)