Cement and Energy

• • the removal of older equipment or process and installation of the new equipment/process docs not involve generation and disposal of toxic and hazardous substances; • the installation of U1e new equipment or process is limited to U1e existi ng factory site; and • the environmental regulatory authorities concerned do not require an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) or Initial Environment Examination (lEE). • SIEE would be required for projects costing over US$ 5 mil. For projects costing above US $ 10 mil. EIA will be necessary and if required by U1e MOEF. the concern shall produce evidence of compli ance or mitigating measures and environmental issues i<..lenli ned by EJA prior to completion of project construction. Energy managements~ stem TI1e company shall introduce an energy management system aimed at achieving, maintaining and enhanci ng energy crticiency targettcd to he achieved hy the energy cflicicncy project. For evaluation of proposals under the Industrial Energy Erlicicncy Proj ect (IEEP) under the ADI3 line or crc(lit or US $ 150 million secured by 10131. NCI3 has ocen idcnti fled as a nodal agency . Currently, NCI3 is carrying out techno-economic feasibility studies lor various plants Alangulam units of M/s Tamil Nadu to help U1cm secure loans under the ADI3 Eligible concerns proposing to avail of assistance for eligible line of credit for their energy eficiency projects may energy conservation and apply in the prescribed loan environment improve- application form for availing of mcnt schemes. n 1 e assistance from /DIJI Head Ariyalur and Office or any Branch/Regional office of 1/)8/. **** Cement Corpn. Ltd. (Tancem). and M/s Mawmluh Chcrra Cements (MCCL), Cherrapunjce. Mcghalaya are a few among them.