Cement and Energy

. • Procurement The industrial concern must adopt procurement procedures that arc appropriat e to the circumstances. Procurement of goods and services wm be from member countries or AD£3 at reasonable prices, account being taken al so of other factors sucl1 as delivery. efliciency anti reliability of tJ1e goods. their sustainability f or the project and the availability or maintenance facil ities and spare parts and in case or services. the quality and competence or the parties rendering them. The assisted concerns shall provide to IDOl all such information and documents as IDDl shall reasonably require in connection with the procurement or any goods or services to be financed under tllt: scheme. ll1c proceeds or loan(s) under the scheme shall be used only to iinance gcx:x.ls and services eligible for linancing under ADD's Guidelines for Procurement under Asian Development nank Loans daicd March 1989 as amended from time to time an<..l supporting documents in respt:cLthereot wi ll be mai ntained hy tlle assisted concern and available f<x inspection hy (1)£31. • Energy audits ll1e concern shall carry ou t energy audit by qualilied consultants/energy services companies each yt:ar after completion or the project for a period or 5 years. The concern shall also submit quarterl y report s giving information on ac tu al energy savings. • Environmental aspects T l1e concern shall secure approvals as required rrolll environmental authoriti es including the Ministry or Environment and Forests (MOEF) of t11e Government or India and the relevant State Pollution Cont roll3oards (SPCI3). A summary initial environmental examination (S IEE) will no t be necessary ror qualiticd projL:cts costing hclow US$ 3 mil. where: • the equipment or process introduced is or a ty1x.: similar to, an<..l or equal or smaller capacity tllantlle equipment or procl!ss rcplacl!d: • the new t:quipment or pnx:ess introduced is mort: energy cflicicnt and contains similar or superior sa!dy control measures as the equipment or process replaced: