Cement and Energy

Vasavadalla Cl.:ment. Sedam is a dry process plalll having an installed capacity of 5.0 lakh tonnes in 1990-9 1. The pl ant is equipped wi th a rotary kiln and prccalcincr having a rat ed capacit y o f IROO tpd . Energy Conservation Measures Adopted hy the Plant • Electrical Energy Minimising idle running of equipment such as crushers, belt conveyors, fans. compressors etc . • Reducing speed of belt conveyors wherever possible • Reduction or ran capacities to match requirement by reducing the speed of the fan • Installation of variable spccLI drives on some of the coolt:r fans and cement mill ESP ran • Son start energy saving dri ves provided in belt conveyors, bucket elevator, clinker crusher and coal crusher • Rccommi sioning of slip power recovery systems which were not functioning earli er • Replacement of oversized motors with appropriate size motors • Plugging of leakages in compressed airlines and optimisaHon of compressed air requirement in different sections • Minimising leakages in prchcater, kiln, raw mill and coal mill circuit s • Optimisation or grinding media loading in cement mill • Thermal Energy Weekl y monitoring or thermal energy U1rough heat balance studies • Continuous monitoring or oxygen level at ldln inlet and prcheater 3rd stage outlet and arrcsti ng leakages to minimjsc loss due to fal se air inti It ration • !3urning zone bricks were changed with Rc fra- technik perilcx-83 j