Cement and Energy

Madras Cement Ltd., Jayanthipuram (Recipient of Best Improvement in Energy Perfonnam.:c. Best Improvement in Electrical Energy PcrlOrm<mce and Best Improvement in Thermal l ~ncrgy Performance awards for the year 1990-91.) Madras Cements Ltd, JayantJ1ipuram is a dry process plant having an installed capacity of 7.5 lakh tonncs. 111c plant is equipped witJ1 one dry process kiln with 5-stage suspension prchcater with prccalciner or 2300 tpd capacity. * Present capacity is 1I .0 Jakh tonnes. Energy Conservation Measures Adopted by the Plant Electrical Energy Thermal Energy • Continuous monitoring of production rates of each • Continuous monitoring and equipment • Minimising idle running of equipment, by installation of running hour meter in each section and close monitoring of idle running • Installation of slip power recovery system for speed control for raw mill ESP fan and kiln ID fan arresting false air in kiIn and preheater section • Fuzzy logic control for automatic kiln operation resulting in substantial saving in U1cm1al energy • Provision of PLC in coal mill and cement mill • Monthly monitoring of sections to reduce idle running • Replacement of higher HP motors in all sections wW1 appropriate size of motors Vasavadatta Cement, Sedam energy consumption through heat and air balance studies for identifying potential areas of energy conservation (Recipient of Best improvement in Energy Performance as wt.:ll as Best Improvement in Electrical Energy Performance awards for t11c year 1991-92 and Second Best Improvement in Energy Performance award for the year 1990-91.)