Cement and Energy

• New cooler size 837 single grate Capacity 1400 tpd No. of compartments 4 Grate inclination 3° Cooler fans : #lA 12900m3/hr at llOOmmW.G. # 18 32 289 m3/hr at 900 mm W.G. #2 24 200 m3/hr at 800 mm W.G. #3 26 750 m3/hr at 700 mm W.G. #4 34 300 m3Jiu· at 650mmW.G. Seal air I8 500 m3Jiu· at 700mmW.G. As there was only 8830 mm height between the ki ln W.P. and ground level, to avoid a pit or raising the ki ln pier supports , direct ae rated Pe ters Mulden plates we re utilized for the entire cooler grate. With this arrangement a n inte rn al drag chai n was installed s ince it is not necessary to have individual air tight compartments with hoppers for each cooling air fan. Mulden grate plate system Cooler data Kiln system Cooling system Commissioning Special features Clinker capacity (tpd) The first th ree rows in the kiln discharge area of the cooler are fixed and aerated by a separate cooling fan. The air is distributed and pulsed, alternating from the left to right side of the grate, causing quick quenching and distribution of the clinker. The pulsation effect, an increase of pressure and volume, loosens the clinker to prevent snowmen and to distribute clinker in the kilo discharge area. The remaining 32 alternating movable/fixed rows are constantly aerated by cooling fans. • The air suppl y system for the Mulden plates results in high efficiency and a high degree of self-cooling for the grate plate, hence the potential to reduce the quantity of t::ooling air. An increased grate resistance and resulting even air distribution in the clinker bed lead to improved heat transfer above the grate plates. This results in higher secondary air temperature and thus higher recuperation efficiency for the cooler. Preheater kiln with precalciner Peters Combi Cooler 837 December 1993 Cooler completely furnished with directly aerated Mulden plates (8 plates wide, 35 rows long). Beam aeration with slide compensator Guarantee Data Process Data 1400 1443 Thi s system prov ides co ntroll ed aeration fields to the clinker bed over the entire grate area, as opposed to conventional chamber aeration where the cooling air now goes into larger uncontrolled aeration fields. Beam aeration and ma ni fold s to each cooling zone across the width and length of the cooler allow a more even air di ·tribution th roughout the cooler. Clinker inlet temperature ( 0 C) 1400 1407 The Mulden grate plate has horizontal slot for the passage of air which are located in the pocket (Mulden) which protects them from wear. The angle of the air slots pre,·ents clinker from back fl owing into the interior beam system. Clinker outlet temperature ( 0 C) Vent air temperature tC) Ambient temperature (uC) Cooling air volume (Nm3 /kg clinker) Spec. recuperation ai r (Nm3/kgclinker) Cooler efficiency (%) 0 (Reference temp. 35 C) Spec. kiln heat consumption (kcal/kg, clinker) Grate speed (stroke/min.) Power consumptiop (kWhlt clinker) (Fans. clinker breaker gratedri ve. drag chain) 130 136 310 327 30 35 1.61 1.61 0.90 0.84 74 7J.l - 759.5 7.5 7 5.47 4.05 8 -·