Cement and Energy

The effi ciency and the amount of power generation in thi s plant can be increase d by about 20% if hea t from the ki ln gases is utili sed between 2nd and 3rd cyc lone at about 650oC. Ga ses are coo led down to about 400oC and fed back to the sys tem. Thi s leads to 7MWe powe r generation for an 140,000 Nm 3 /h Flue Gases 4oo•c (Dust load = 100 g/N m 3 } Water 30 bar 4S•C 2 zoo •c 3 (30 g/Nm 3 } Steam 24 bar 3SO•C 0.1 bar 4S•C 6 1-MTPA plant which is Deaerator/Watertank 2 Feed Pump Pump approximatel y half of the electric energy requirement. 3 Waste heat recovery boiler and supcrlleater THERMOWIR 4 Turbine 5 Generator 6 Water cooled condenser Courtesy : CALDYN Inc. New York ROUND-UP lnt~rnatimtal Cmif~r«!nce 011 "Powtr Cnmf!rttlitm, ysttm Pla.nllittg 011d Optratitm" 12 · l3 Dtct!mbtr 1997 The Inte rnational Conference on ''Power Generation, System Planning and Operation" was organi sed by the Centre for Ene rgy Studies, Indian In stitute of Technology, Delhi, and attended by about 40 delegates from various organisations related to power generation , tran smiss ion and di stribution , research in stitutes and engineering colleges. The keynote speech was deli vered by Shri R.N. Srivastava, Chairman , Central Electricity Authori ty. He highlighted the power supply and demand scenario in India and emphasised the need for e ffective ene rgy management both at supply and utility sides for minimising the effect of power shortage on the country's growth. The inaugural address was deli vered by Dr. E.A.S. Sarma , Secretary, Ministry of Power, Governmen t of Indi a. He high lighted the Government's pla ns for improving the fu nctioning of power sector includi ng the proposed bill on Energy Audit and Management. He also stressed the need to restructure tariff rates to utilise peak demand shortage. Various other technical papers were presented in the Conference covering technological advancements, and research and development areas in power generation, planning and operati on. 6