Cement and Energy

... Reactive Power Another point of concern is the reactive power drawn from the grid and also the effect of wind power generation on grid quality. TNEB initially insisted on power factor to be maintained at 0.8 to 0.85 lagging. However, they insist the reactive power drawal from the grid by the wind farms to be less than 35%. This calls for additional investment. Ramco wind farm has adopted a var compensation system, indigenously made at both the locations thanks to which the reactive power drawal in this service connection is less than 2%. This improves the quality of the grid and results in cutting down the penalty payable to the State Electricity Board. Spares - Adequate spares are essential for ensuring proper maintenance. To this end, indigenisation should be resorted to whenever possible, and only a bare minimum should be obtained through imports. Cmmesy: Madras Cements l.Jd. Conclusion With the confidence gained over the last few years of running wind farms it could be claimed that power generation from wind farm is certainly profitable and this will be a major source of energy in future. However, adequate attention should be paid by the wind farm owners as in any other continuous process industry, so that the investment made in this field does not become a burden on the other operations of the company. The government on their part should extend the necessary inputs in the form of subsidies and sustain this infant industry, so that it grows properly. The financial institutions also should ensure that the projections made by wind farm promoters are accurate and in line with the available data. INDIA EMERGES A LEADER IN THE WIND INDUSTRY I ndia is the leader in the developing world in the wind industry, with over 900 megawatts of wind power in place, according to the latest figures from the Worldwatch Institute, an environmental thinktank which advises the United Nations. Wind development has, however, slowed in India d\)ring the last two years, mainly due to the suspension of the generous tax breaks that were enacted in the mid-1990s. But the Indian Government is now expected to restore some of the incentives, which could boost wind power development in 1999. Courtesy : The Hindus/an Time,f, 4th January 1999 The world as a whole added 2·100 megawatts of new wind energy generating capacity in 1998, a new all time record, and 35 per cent more than what was added in 1997, according to the report. As the technology continues to improve, wind power could become the most economical, new source of electricity in many countries in the next decade. 7