Cement and Energy

Table 1 gives the essential project details including the funding pattern. Table 1 Ramco Wind Farm Project at a Glance No. ofWind Electric Generators Muppandal Poolavadi Total Installed Capacity, MW Muppandal Poolavadi Total Year of Commissioning Muppandal Poolavadi Project Cost, Rs. Crore Land and building Plant and equipment Vehicles, furniture Total Funding pattern, Rs. Crore MCL Loan from IREDA* IFCI** Pay back period, years * at 12.5 -· 13% interest **at 17- 19% interest Working Results 52 69 121 13.000 20.235 33.235 1993-94 1994-96 5.00 111.00 1.00 117.00 43.00 17.30 56.70 7-8 Ramco wind farms have been in operation for 4 years now and the working results over the period are summarised in Table 2. On an average, Ramco wind farms generate between 40 and 45 million units of electrical energy every year and the generation more or less follows a predictable pattern. Nearly 60% of the generation is achieved during the period May to September (in the case of Muppandal area) and 90% of the generation in the same period at Udumalpet area. This is due to the fact that the effect of North East monsoon winds i~ not pronounced at Udumalpet, as the location is far inland from the eastern coast. All the electrical energy generated from the wind farms is evacuated by TNEB and MCL gets 98% of the energy generated for their consumption at their cement plant near Virudhunagar. Approximately 60% of the plant' s energy requirement is met from wind energy. The wind availability at both locations is also measured by means of a wind mast set up to measure the wind speed and direction. The data collected is used to verify the actual generation as against the promised generation by the WEG manufacturer. At the time of planning, it was estimated that the project would pay for itself within 7 to 8 years. This was based on the assumptions tnat wind power generation would be to the tune of 5 lac units per wind electric generator (of 250 KW capacity) and that the power tariff would rise by 5% every year. Compared to this, it now appears that the pay back will be around I0 years and the actual generation is around 4 lac units per WEG of 250 KW capacity. This is basically due to: i) The lower-than-the-expected wind availability in the last two years, 1997 and 1998 ii) Multiplicity of wind farms in the same area iii) Delay in setting up power evacuation facility by TNEB iv) Lack of interest shown by the promoters (barring a few like MCL) The position indeed would have been worse, but for the higher tariff hike by TNEB in the last two years, 15% as against the predicted 5%. It is expected the loan repayment period could be extended by a year or two because of the lower-than-expected generation . 5